Official E-Note Publication of Harmony, Inc.
Original Message:
Table of Contents - 2022 Champions
- President's Message
- Convention Corner: IC&C in Verona, NY
- Question of the Month
- Youth Member of the Year
- Quartet Corner: Welcome Wired for Sound
- Vote Results: Dues Increase
- Philanthropy: Growing Harmony
- Harmony Notes
Congratulations, Champs!
2022 Harmony Queens Take 4:Wendy Spilker, Kristin Drummond-Mance, Chacey Steen and Melissa VanHousen hail from Area 4.
2022 Chorus Champions Northern Blend!
Harmony quartets and choruses treated convention goers to an incredible array of standout performances, making us all truly grateful to be Together Again! Thousands and thousands of photos of IC&C can be viewed and purchased. Check out the link in Allison Thompson's convention column, below. Congratulations to our medalist choruses and quartets:
1 Northern Blend Chorus [Area3]
2 A Cappella Showcase [Area5]
3 New England Voices in Harmony [Area2]
4 Sounds of the Seacoast [Area2]
5 Crystal Chords [Area3]
1 Take 4 [Area4]
2 Fierce [Area4]
3 Escapade [Area3]
4 Roulette [Area3]
5 Lip Service [Area3]
Full score sheets are posted on the website,
Simply amazing!
Linda Brehaut
International President
By Linda Brehaut, International President
Have your feet come back down to earth? Have the earworms left yet? What an amazing convention it was! The energy, the joy, the celebration of being together again was palpable in the air. I know I have said this already, but thank you, thank you, thank you, to our convention team and all our support people and volunteers who made this event a reality. Congratulations to every person who crossed that contest stage – you are my heroes! Harmony hugs to Take 4 and Northern Blend – you will make wonderful ambassadors for Harmony, Inc.
At the opening ceremony, I had the opportunity to share with you a few highlights from our strategic planning initiatives that the IBOD and Assistants have been working on these past two years. We invited Linda McMaster, who has a solid background in strategic planning, to step in as our advisor and lead us through the process. For anyone who has been through this, you might know that the first 18 months or so are difficult. It has felt like we were adding much more work to our plate than we were taking off. I must tell you that at our Annual IBOD meeting in October (just prior to IC&C) we realized the value of all our hard work. Linda persevered through the struggles and frustrations and took us to a point that we were able to celebrate our accomplishments. I only gave you a few highlights at the opening ceremony – there is more to follow! The written version of the strategic plan will be available to the membership in the new year. Meanwhile, please stay informed with the wonderful opportunities that are coming your way.
Congratulations to David Wright for being celebrated as an Honorary Member of Harmony, Inc. and to Sarah Patterson, our Youth Member of the Year recipient. Congratulations, also, to Allison Thompson, who was awarded the President’s Award and to Coastal Voices, the winner of the Sandi White Membership award. We extend a big thank you to Tom Gentry as he brings his service as part of the judging community to an end.
As well, big thank-yous go to Area 1 Director Linda McMaster, Area 5 Director Nancy Flagel, and IBOD Director Sara Wood, as they leave their positions on the IBOD. Your time and contributions did not go unnoticed – thank you on behalf of the IBOD and Harmony.
Next year we will be adding a new award to the Quartet Contest. Diane and David Patterson have donated the Young at Heart Award to celebrate our “seniors”! To qualify, each member of a quartet must be age 55 or older and the sum of the accumulated ages of the quartet must be equal to or exceed 230 years. Just wait till you see that award – absolutely beautiful – thank you, Diane and David!
At our recent delegates meeting, I shared updates from our Annual IBOD meeting. Your chapter president will be sharing those updates with you, if they haven't already. Meeting minutes will also be posted to the website within the next couple of weeks. As always, if you have question, comments, or suggestions, please send them along to We are always willing to listen.
I did want to let you all know that we only had two reported cases of COVID-19 in the 10 days following ICC. I am grateful that the numbers were so low and trust that everyone stayed well. Hoping that the two individuals who tested positive had a speedy and full recovery.
Wishing all of you happy days filled with music. As my children’s choir says, “You can’t be grumpy and sing!” So, let’s all sing more!
Convention Corner: IC&C in Verona, NY |
Congratulations, all!
By Allison Thompson, ICC Manager
Congratulations to the 25 choruses and record-breaking 45 quartets who crossed the stage last month in Verona, NY! What an exciting contest. We are so proud of our winners - International Chorus Champions Northern Blend and Harmony Queens Take 4!
We hope you all enjoyed being TOGETHER AGAIN and the many new experiences at this year’s event; mobile app, Zen Zone, Harmony Hub, Parade of Champion social, and Acaville webcast.
All 5000+ photos from IC&C can be viewed and purchased online at
I can’t say it enough – thank you to everyone who had a role in this year’s IC&C – no matter how big or small. Despite the many challenges surrounding this year’s event, I think we all enjoyed being TOGETHER AGAIN!
Your convention team is tired – but we are already planning for even bigger and better things next year. We have read all of your survey responses and comments and appreciate your sharing your thoughts as we work to improve your contest and convention experience.
And speaking of next year – the website has been updated with all of the current information, including AEP and hotel pricing. We will continue to add things as they become available.
You can now pre-register for IC&C 2023.
- The first 200 people who pre-register by March 15, 2023 will be guaranteed reserved seating for all contest sessions at IC&C 2023.
- All persons pre-registering must pay for a Performing Member AEP, and both full payment and an individual name must accompany the request for a seat.
- For IC&C 2023, the Early-Bird rate for a Performing All Events Pass is $165.00 in U.S. funds or Canadian equivalent.
- Pre-register here:
See you in Michigan!
To all the members, family, and friends who volunteered at IC&C, for all your help and assistance. In order to provide a smooth-running convention, it took over 120 volunteers providing 550-plus volunteer hours. THANK YOU to each and every person who volunteered and made IC&C 2022 a huge success!
About contest singing times
Kathy Greason
By Kathy Greason, ICJC
When I get the same question three times in one month, it’s time to write an article for the HI Note!
Question: Are there minimum or maximum times required for singing in contest?
Answer: The contest rules contain no time limits. That’s right. There are no specific penalties for overachieving or underachieving on performance time. That’s one less thing for our ADM judges to worry about.
Even though there is no penalty for singing “too short” or “too long,” there are things to consider as you decide on a contest package. Songs that don’t allow time for thematic development may suffer from lower scores than songs that develop fully during a performance. Performers of overly long songs may run the risk of having the audience be finished before the performers are! Right-sizing contest songs is part of choosing songs and arrangements that are suitable to the performers.
“But what about the pattern?” you ask. “For example, the pattern showed nine minutes between quartet performances at IC&C this year. Is that nine minutes a time limit?”
The walk pattern is developed by balancing factors such as distance from warmup rooms to stage, typical performance times, typical pondering and writing time for scoring judges (including the occasional conference), and desire to keep the contest moving for both our contestants and our audience. Lately, typical quartet performance times have averaged in the six- to eight-minute range, and typical judge note-taking wrap-up has been less than a minute following the end of the performance unless there is a conference. For IC&C, that information is used by the convention team and me (and by ACJCs at AC&Cs) to estimate times and create a pattern spreadsheet, which is then approved by the ADM judge who is serving as panel chair – and who is in total charge of the contest once it begins.
So the 9 minute interval between quartet performances at IC&C this year was not a limitation or requirement for contestants, but instead reflected the best balance that the convention team, the panel chair, and I could find, knowing what we know about the venue and what is typical. Some intervals may be a little longer or shorter, but in the absence of disaster (can you say fire alarm anyone?), things seem to average out.
One thing we expect and depend on is that our performing groups will be sensitive to the importance, for both the audience and subsequent contestants, of courteous attention to moving the contest forward. Nobody wants to be “that” performer – the one that delays the contest with an overly elaborate setup or other choice that backs things up. Do you remember the Village Vocal Chords setting up and taking down their Wizard of Oz set a few years ago? Or Harmony Falls moving “Love” and associated props on and off the stage at IC&C this year? In both instances, the staging was addressed with an efficiency that reflected care for fellow Harmony, Inc. singers and the audience.
This attitude means that we can hold a contest where the only limitations on stage time for our two-song packages are set by the performers themselves, as they strive thoughtfully to present their best performances – which will be longer for some and shorter for others – as their gifts to the audience.
Meet HI's 2022 Youth Member of the Year – Sarah Patterson!
Youth Member of the Year Sarah Patterson (left) clowns with the rest of Generations quartet, Elizabeth Williams, Emily Travis, and Amy Patterson.
By Kim Meechan, Director of Philanthropy (past Director of Membership)
It takes many members working very hard, to maintain the organization we know and love as Harmony, Inc. The International Board of Directors, board assistants and staff, Area and Chapter leaders, as well as hundreds of members, devote time, money, and passion to Harmony, Inc. One very special Youth Member was recognized recently at this year’s International Convention and Contest as Harmony, Inc’s Youth Member of the Year.
SARAH PATTERSON, from Area 5, has an impressive list of accomplishments. Sarah sings bass and is a front row performer with A Cappella Showcase and also sings bass with Generations Quartet (2022 Area 5 Champion Quartet.) Sarah has served on the chapter Board of Directors as the Chair of the PR and Marketing Committee. Always wanting to learn more, Sarah participated in the BHS Harmony University New Generation program.
I recently spoke to Sarah and asked what they loved most about Harmony, Inc. It is our feeling of “community” and the support Sarah receives from members of all ages. Sarah's chorus provides a great deal of support, offered by many “Moms and “Grandmas”! Sarah’s message to youth who might be thinking of joining Harmony, Inc? “It is a competitive environment with both small and large events. You’ll find other youth to sing with. Try getting some friends together to try quarteting or try a quartet with some younger and older members. Start with your Area Convention and Contest, as It is small and will give you an opportunity to try it out.”
Sarah is an inspiration to all members of Harmony, Inc. Sarah loves to sing, as we all do, but also loves to get involved and contribute towards making our organization grow and flourish. And yes, I encouraged Sarah to consider running for the International Board of Directors one day! Sarah is an asset to A Cappella Showcase, Area 5 and to Harmony, Inc. Congratulations, Sarah!
Quartet Corner: Welcome Wired for Sound |
Welcome, Wired 4 Sound!
By Jess Leigh, Quartet Development Coordinator
L to R: Rachel St-Laurent, Chris Freeman, Jill Woodley, Deborah Smith
Welcome Area 1’s newest quartet, Wired 4 Sound! Like many antsy singers looking to blend their voices, this group shared a few texts and the magic brewed from there. Chris and Rachel connected first and knew Deb was looking to sing, so they reached out to see if she wanted to get together “for funsies.” One thing led to another, and a plan developed less than 24 hours later.
Although they’ve all sung together in different formations over the years, they’re officially a quartet with a new name – and matching hoodies! Their name ideas included everything from the ridiculous to the sublime, and Wired 4 Sound was in everyone’s top 5. The name incorporated many levels of meaning for each of them, which they aim to reflect with their logo.
This ambitious crew starts their week off right with in-person rehearsals every Monday morning! “It beats the Monday blues in so many ways,” they share. Currently, they’re gathering repertoire and plan to share their love of a cappella music and do many community sing outs, parties, Christmas gatherings, and bring joy to folks in hospitals and senior homes.
This foursome’s odd talents are never-ending, including belly-dancing, trumpet blowing, ukulele playing, and bird-watching. They love Harmony and the heartfelt connections brought about through song. Feeling good to be wired in again for some chord-busting, Wired 4 Sound is ready for competition in Area 1!
Vote Results: Dues Increase |
Proposed dues increase passes
By Debbie Parmerter, International Parliamentarian
The proposed dues increase has passed. Harmony, Inc. dues will increase by $10 US with the 2023 renewals.
Thank you to everyone who took time from their busy days to vote on the proposed dues increase.
Philanthropy: Growing Harmony |
Schwingbeck Challenge met and exceeded
for Growing Harmony!
By Gaye LaCasce, EVP
Once again, Harmony, Inc. members and friends have enthusiastically shown their commitment to this organization! During IC&C, we raised $3,955, more than enough to meet the generous $3,500 challenge grant from the Schwingbeck Charitable Trust, which was provided to us by Julie Schwingbeck, Area 2 Director. Huge thanks go to every single donor who helped us meet the challenge in support of the Growing Harmony campaign! We welcomed first time donors from other countries, we counted change from Canadian members who didn't want to carry it back to Canada, and we saw our little buckets stuffed with cash, checks, and IOUs!
Harmony now has an extra $7,455 to spend on initiatives that YOU, (our members) identified as important when you completed your membership survey:
- Helping quartets form, grow, and find their voice
- Nurturing Harmony's future by supporting youth programs
- Investing in potential and existing chapters and directors
- Engaging Associate and Affiliate members
- Providing more innovative educational opportunities
If you would still like to donate to the Growing Harmony campaign and support some great new initiatives, please do - we'd love to add to our Growing Harmony total, as 2022 comes to a close.
Click the link below to make a one-time gift, an automatic monthly contribution, a donation in honor or in memory of someone special, or to find information about giving directly from your investments, as a tax strategy. And thank you, once again!
For Love of Harmony
Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time providing a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
- from Northern Blend Chorus with thanks to Christina Lewellen, for generously sharing your time, your knowledge, and your love.
- from Atlanta Harmony Celebration! in memory of Pam Melton, beloved sister of AHC! member Kim Johnston.
Condolences from the Membership
- to Island A Cappella (Area 1) on the loss of one of their charter members and long-time supporter, Libby Rowe.
- to Village Vocal Chords (Area 4) on the death of former member of 36 years, Bea Williams.
- to the family and friends of Glenna Markle, long time member of Harmony Sound Waves and former Area 6 Director
- to the family and friends of Doris Winters, charter member of the Barre-Tones, Inc. (Area 2), who passed away on November 1, 2022.
- to New England Voices in Harmony (Area 2) on the death of past member Jacqueline MacDonald
- to Monique Kuzmich (NEVIH, Area 2) on the passing of her beloved father, Armand M. Lavoie
- to Kim Johnston (Atlanta Harmony Celebration, Area 6) on the passing of her beloved sister, Pam Melton.
- to Kim Johnston (Atlanta Harmony Celebration, Area 6) on the passing of her beloved sister, Pam Melton.
- to Susie Slavney (President of St. Louis Vocal Project, Area 4) on the death of her mother.
- to Faith Williams (St. Louis Vocal Project, Area 4) on the death of her grandson.
Need to post a condolence notice? Please have the information sent to the Corporate Office to be recorded. Thank you.
Deadlines approaching!
15 MARCH 2023 - The first 200 people who pre-register by March 15, 2023 will be guaranteed reserved seating for all contest sessions at IC&C 2023.
The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox December 20, What would YOU like to read about in that issue? Share your thoughts with by December 5.
See you in a couple weeks!
Copyright © 2022 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.