Progress requires change
But principles are bedrock
By Gaye LaCasce, International President
I recently stumbled on a media outlet called Good Good Good. It focuses on good news about every aspect of life, and it makes for uplifting reading. One article – the preface of which I’ll quote here – really resonated with me as I think about Harmony – the changes that have occurred over the years, and the changes yet to come.
Change is the only constant in life — a phrase we’ve heard time and again, and for good reason. It captures the essence of human existence, where every moment is transient, every situation impermanent.
Change can be exhilarating, intimidating, challenging, or liberating, depending on our perspective and readiness to embrace it.
From personal growth to societal progress, change is the driving force that propels us forward. Sometimes we fight for change — and other times we just focus on accepting change.
Throughout history, countless thinkers, activists, and leaders have pondered the nature and impact of change. Their insights shed light on the many different facets of change — from its inevitability to its potential to reshape our lives, our organizations, and the world around us.
When I think about change in the context of Harmony, I’m thinking about choruses with new directors; new chorus singers (especially those who are new to barbershop); people embarking on new volunteer positions; quartets with new new voicings...a new IBOD structure...the potential for new Areas. The list is extensive – and that doesn’t even include the inevitable changes in our “real” lives.
At the last Annual Meeting in November 2023, the IBOD talked a lot about change. We even had an interactive presentation about change management, provided by Area 4 Director Susan Spencer, who coaches teams and people in the topic, in her professional life. The presentation was great, and exactly what the IBOD needed. One takeaway was that organizational change necessitates personal change. Seems simple, right?
First and foremost, we need to be clear about the reasons and need for change – what are the outcomes we hope to achieve? Then we all look inward – stay flexible in our thinking, increase our willingness to innovate, and take stock of our risk tolerance and stress tolerance (thanks for these, Susan!)
I won’t go further about the precepts of change management but suffice to say that everyone (in your chorus or quartet, on a team, in a relationship, and on the IBOD) reacts differently to change. Keeping an open mind, practicing patience while feeling urgency, embracing ambiguity, and not allowing the quest for perfection to stand in the way of progress – any and all of these can help us participate in and process change. It’s not simple at all, but remembering will certainly help me, and maybe you, too.
As I’ve shared before, I love to read. Here are some eloquent words of wisdom about change, from two of my favorite (and timeless) authors. Enjoy!
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
— George Bernard Shaw
“Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots.”
— Victor Hugo
Live draw results are in!
By Shannon Shelton-Muller, IC&C Marketing Assistant
Thursday, September 12, was post time with Bluegrass Harmony as they executed the draw for the order of appearance in the 2024 contests. The 2024 International Convention and Contests is shaping up to be an exciting event!
Quartet Order of Appearance
1. The Short List
2. Limitless Quartet
3. Angel's Envy
4. 4/4 A Time
5. The No Drama Llamas
7. Legacy
8. Vivàce
9. Serenade
10. Sapphire
11. Just Sayin'
12. Limitless (MBHA)
13. Sweet Addiction
14. Intonations
15. Continental Crush
16. What’s the Deal (MBHA)
17. ZEST
18. In a Chord
19. SparX
20. Onyx
21. Roulette
22. Sassafras
23. RetroSpect
24. SweetLife
25. High Gear
26. Arranged Marriage (MBHA)
27. Blue Phoenix
28. Daphodyls
Chorus Order of Appearance
1. Sisters of Sound
2. Bluegrass Harmony
3. The Village Vocal Chords
4. Vocal Moxie
5. Rochester Rhapsody
6. Liberty Belles
7. Barre-Tones, Inc.
8. Seaside A Cappella
9. Covered Bridge Harmony
10. Harmony Magic
11. Shades of Harmony
12. Northern Blend
13. Music City Sound
14. Crystal Chords
15. Unaccompanied Minors
16. Harmony Heritage
17. St. Louis Vocal Project
18. New England Voices in Harmony
19. Atlanta Harmony Celebration!
20. Bella Nova
21. Sounds of the Seacoast
22. Sunshine Harmony
23. Women of Note
24. On Q
There are several upcoming deadlines for IC&C:
October 1
Dinner Registrations - order through your AEP registration HERE
Order a printed program - order through your AEP registration HERE
Big Screen Ads - go HERE
Hotel Room Reservations - Please go HERE to book your hotel room.
October 24
Submit your song registration (for competing quartets and choruses)
October 31, Midnight EDT
Online Registration closes - order through your AEP registration HERE until then (you may still purchase AEPs and tickets at the door)
So you've booked your hotel room for IC&C but there's been a change in arrival date, roommates, etc. You must use the website to make any changes to your hotel reservation. YOU CANNOT CALL THE HOTEL DIRECTLY.
We still have openings for open rehearsal space on Thursday, November 7.
Here is the access to the Sign Up Sheet for booking a space. There are four rooms this year for Open Rehearsals, available in 50-minute rehearsal slots between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Thursday, November 7.
The information on the Sign Up Sheet lists the name of the room and its size in square feet. Please choose the room appropriate to your chorus size so that the larger choruses have the opportunity to book the larger rooms. Your help with this is appreciated.
The rooms are available for booking from now until Thursday, November 7. However, since we have fewer rooms this year, please book only one time slot to give every chorus the chance to choose the room and time they need. Closer to November 7, if there are still time slots available, these can be booked for a second rehearsal slot for your chorus. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact iccservicesmgr@harmonyinc.org
Are you an individual who still needs to register, or are you about to register just one more person for your chapter? Are you looking for just one more Saturday dinner ticket? If so, be sure to check out the NEW Self-Serve Ticket Transfer bulletin board on the HI website (in the members-only section)
How does it work? Harmony members can now post AEPs, Dinner, and Event tickets they can no longer use. If you are in the market for one, check here first and help someone else in Harmony at the same time.
Any interested Buyer can visit the Self-Serve Ticket Transfer page and contact the Seller directly to purchase the ticket(s). Note: All monetary transactions are between the Buyer and the Seller. Further specific instructions and details can be found on the Ticket Transfer page.
The IC&C Registrar will be notified of postings and transfers and once a ticket has been 'claimed' the buyer will be contacted for additional information as needed.
Questions? Please reach out to Linda Briggs, IC&C Registrar.
There are still jobs waiting to be filled on the Volunteer Signup, especially during the chorus contest. If you are not participating in the chorus contest, please consider working the pattern for this contest.
Click on the link and sign up today. Harmony, Inc. 2024 Volunteer Opportunities: Registration - Opening Ceremony - Showcase (signupgenius.com)
You can also access the signup on the Volunteer page on the Harmony website – look for the “Volunteer Here” button.
We DO NOT have the opportunity to offer any food concession sales during this year’s contests. Also, no food and beverages (except water) are allowed in the ballroom.
Looking for dining opportunities during the contests? There are four onsite restaurants: Swizzle, Walker’s Exchange, Jockey Silks, and The Veranda. Click here for dining hours and menus. There are also many restaurants within walking distance. Click here to view a map and get more information
Photo forms are available online.
Make sure to print your copy and bring it with you to contest. Quartets will turn theirs into the photo room during the pattern. Chorus photos will be taken onstage. A representative from each chorus will have an opportunity to meet with the photographer after contest to select your official photo and turn in your order form.
Looking for mobility assistance during IC&C? Booking is available for scooters.
Cost: Wednesday, November 6 - Saturday, November 9 (scooter due for drop off by 11 a.m. Sunday, November 10) is $175.
Arriving earlier than Wednesday? No problem. Scooters are available as early as Sunday, November 3. The cost for an earlier rental for the week is $206 (Sunday, November 3 or Monday, November 4).
To book: Call 502-799-5419.
Let them know you are with Harmony, Inc. for their convention at the Galt House.
Give the required time for pick up and drop off.
Payment is due at the time of booking.
All scooters will come with baskets. Still have questions? Contact Debbie, IC&C Business Services Assistant.
Check out what you missed or get a quick review by using the links below:
Watch the recording
View the slides
Remember, you can always visit the FAQ page for details on IC&C! The FAQ sheet is kept updated throughout the contest season with everything you need to know.

Growing Harmony at IC&C
Do you enjoy talking with members about the various ways they can support Harmony? Do you have a passion for philanthropy? Do you love helping our organization grow and flourish? Then, we are looking for you!
The Harmony, Inc. Philanthropy Committee is seeking volunteers to help staff our “Growing Harmony” table at IC&C, which will be located right outside the Grand Ballroom.
Before IC&C, you’ll be invited to a brief Zoom session that will give you the information you’ll need to educate members who stop by the table. You’ll share information about the various ways Harmony, Inc. utilizes donations to support our activities and programs. You’ll also have information about Sing Canada Harmony to share with our Canadian members. You will collect cash and credit donations at the table.
SIGN UP TODAY and join us in “Growing Harmony” at IC&C!
The minutes of the International Board of Directors' third quarter meeting are now available for your reading pleasure, posted to the Member Resources page on the website.
Time to have your say!
The IBOD Annual Meeting is coming up November 4-6. Do you have an agenda item you would like to submit for the IBOD to consider?
Use HAR-009 to submit your thoughts and ideas. Deadline for submission is October 7, 2024.
2024 International Chorus |
2024 International Chorus seeks singers
Will you 'seize the day'?
By Sandra Morris, International Music Coordinator
This year's International Chorus - composed of Associate members, members of non-competing choruses, and a limited number of representatives from competing choruses - will be performing Seize the Day under the direction of Jordan Travis at the conclusion of the Friday Chorus Contest.
The International Chorus is now open to all Associates, non-competing choruses, and competing choruses. If you are a member of a chorus, please speak to your President as they received the invitation to participate.

Support Harmony's future
The melody lingers on ...
What is the 1959 Society? It’s a community of thoughtful Harmony, Incorporated supporters whose generosity will ensure that Harmony, Inc. continues to grow and nurture barbershop singing and singers.
At last year's IC&C, we inducted the first group of individuals into the 1959 Society. All of those honored had informed us of their intention to remember Harmony, Inc. in their estate plans.
The 1959 Society, Class of 2024, will be invited to receive their society pins at this year's IC&C. If you wish to support Harmony’s future, we welcome you to join this important group. Complete this brief form regarding your plans – we don’t ask for dollar amounts, just for your intention! You may do this anonymously if you choose, but we’d love for our members to be able to thank you appropriately.
If you have already included Harmony in your will, please let us know. We understand that such generosity is not a request for recognition but rather a desire for your support to continue after your time on stage has ended.
Harmony, Inc. is honored to accept gifts of money, bequests, required minimum IRA distributions, and trust designations. If you are considering remembering Harmony in your will, please discuss your plans with your professional financial advisor or attorney and then let us know.
Join the 1959 Society, Class of 2024
1959 Society Commitment Form
Harmony, Inc. Donation Form
2024 Delegates/Associates/Affiliates Meeting Notice |
2024 IC&C Delegates/Associates Meeting
By Debbie Parmerter, International Parliamentarian
The 2024 Delegates/Associates Meeting will be held via Zoom on Sunday, November 17 at 2:00 p.m. EST.
The agenda for the International Board of Directors Annual Meeting will be posted on the Harmony website by the end of October. Chapter Delegates and Associate Members should visit the website and review the contents of the agenda and make note of any items that you would like discussed at the meeting.
If the Chapter President is unable to attend the meeting, another chapter member may serve as an Alternate Delegate. The Chapter President should register the Alternate by completing Form HAR-029 found on the Members-only section of the Harmony, Inc. website.
Associates and Affiliates, did you know that you can attend the Delegates/Associates Meeting? Well, you can. And you are encouraged to do so.
The Annual Delegates/Associates Meeting brings members of the International Board of Directors and you, as representatives of the general membership, together for a discussion on the business matters conducted and decisions made by the International Board of Directors at its Annual Meeting. Delegates will also have an opportunity to share concerns and opinions on decisions made by the Board.
Each Delegate (or Alternate) will have one vote on any matter of business to come before the meeting. The voting privilege of Associate Members will be exercised through the vote of the Delegate elected by Associate Members at the meeting. There will be no proxy vote. Affiliate members can attend this meeting but will have no voting privileges.
During this meeting, Delegates will elect an Elections Committee for the 2025 International Board of Directors elections. The newly elected committee will appoint a Chair from its members, to be ratified by the Delegates. Besides having duties for IBOD elections, this committee will also be used for any membership votes conducted during the year. The Elections Committee has two tellers (one from Canada and one from the US). The tellers are responsible for receipt of all mailed or emailed ballots and submitting a summary of ballots received to the Chair. Several Zoom meetings are held with the Elections Committee and the International Parliamentarian. The Chair of this committee will work closely with the International Parliamentarian to ensure a proper election process. They must be able to commit to the time involved to complete all the steps that must be taken. They are responsible for updating all emails to the membership, HI Note articles, emails to all nominated candidates, etc. This position has set deadlines that must be met.
Even though this meeting will be via Zoom, I look forward to seeing you at IC&C in Louisville. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. And be sure to look me up in Kentucky!
Due to rising material and postage costs, the one-time new member fee will increase to $15 USD effective October 1, 2024. This fee covers the cost of the membership pin and permanent member ID card each new member receives upon joining Harmony.

Generations of Love
By Laura Oakes. Director of Programs (Music and Education)
We all know of the many gifts that Harmony gives to others, however, Harmony, Inc. was also the recipient of a recent gift from the generous hearts of Jennifer Palus and Jen Cooke.
Jennifer and Jen worked on two versions of their arrangement of Generations of Love and are so kind to offer these arrangements for use by members of Harmony, Inc. You can find the sheet music and tracks for these in the Harmony, Inc. Song Library (in the members-only section) listed as Gifted Music. If you are interested in hearing a virtual performance of Generations of Love, visit Serendipity’s YouTube page.
Questions or more information regarding these arrangements should be sent to me and I will forward them to Jen Cooke and Jennifer Palus.
We sincerely thank Jen and Jennifer for their dedication to Harmony, Inc. and this valuable and welcome philanthropic donation.

Sing together. Unite the world.
We are inviting all of Harmony to sing together with friends, family, or your whole community on World Singing Day and be a part of something big.
The following Harmony chapters have announced they will be hosting World Singing Day events:
Silk'n Sounds Chapter, 4:00 p.m., Saturday, October 19 at Fairfield First Baptist Church Congregational, 148 Beach Road, Fairfield, CT
Harmony Heritage, 1 p.m. Saturday, October 19, at the Warwick Mall, 400 Bald Hill Road in Warwick, RI. This event is open to people of all ages, backgrounds, and singing abilities.
Will your chapter or quartet join in on this year's World Singing Day song of the year?
Here's info on how to take part - and how to let the HI Note know all about it!

Class is in session!
Engaging Youth - Part 5 with Tessa Walker - September 25 7:30 pm ET
Coming soon to the HIVE library:
Engaging Youth - Part 4
YOU are invited to dive into the reference library. Don't forget it's searchable!

Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time providing a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
A Cappella Showcase in memory of Phil Hartnell
Jen Cooke & Jennifer Palus
Angel's Envy in honor of Jeanne O'Connor
Harmony Heritage in memory of Kathleen Leonard
Condolences From The Membership |
- to the family and friends of Sandy Lewies (former Barre-Tones, Inc., Area 2), who passed away on August 15, 2024
Need to post a condolence notice? Please have the information sent to the Administrative Coordinator to be recorded. Thank you.
International Conventions & Contests |
The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox October 5. What would you like to see covered in our pages? Drop a line to editor@harmonyinc.org and we'll tell the world. Next deadline is September 28.
See you again, soon!
Copyright © 2024 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.