To our generous donors,
thank you for a year of
giving in Harmony!
January 2025
Jennifer Cleveland
Tracey Beatty
Stacy Hugman
Jill Reid
Jennifer Weigl
Angie Dolber
Fatima Whelan
Sue Kember
Jeanne Viscito
Jessi Nasto
Patricia Cassidy
Elizabeth Houghton
Marie Ross
Four Shore
Sister Q
International Contest & Judging Committee in honour of Jordan Travis
International Contest & Judging Committee in honour of Steve Armstrong
International Contest & Judging Committee in honor of Steve Tramack
International Contest & Judging Committee in honor of Mike Ott
International Contest & Judging Committee in honor of Joe Hunter
Sound Celebration in memory of Ruth Jaeger and her 20+ years as a member
December 2024
Patricia Wall
Linda Parviainen in memory of our booming bass, Connie Thompson
Mitchell International (Employer Matching)
Harmony Heritage in memory of Pauline DellaVentura
Anonymous donation in memory of Linda Janes
Rochester Rhapsody
Hazel Alexander
Mary Ann Wert in memory of Chuck Wert
Belinda Thompson
Teri Allred
Anonymous donation
Rochester Rhapsody in memory of Mike Morgan
Monthly Donors
Catherine Blankenship
Lindsay Chartier
Amanda Cornaglia
Taralee Lashway
Ann McAlexander
Donna McKay
Angie Morton
Jeanne O'Connor
Kelly Peterson
Our Past Years Champion Donors
2024 Donors
A Cappella Showcase
Adele Merritt
Amanda Cornaglia
Angel's Envy Quartet
Angie Morton
Ann McAlexander
Anne Bureau
Anne Colt
Anne Leinen
Area 1 Council
Area 2 Council
Area 6 Harmony
Belinda Thompson
Betty Gunterman
Bill McKay
Camille Duffy
Carol Zeffiro
Catherine Blankenship
Chris Ramus
Cindy Knapp
Cynthia Knapp
Dan Locke
Donna McKay
Elizabeth LeClair
Ellen Messer
Emily Christman
Harmony Heritage
Hazel Alexander
Island A Cappella, Inc.
Jacques & Glenda Bell
Jean Hudson
Jeanne O'Connor
Jennifer Cooke
Jennifer Palus
JoAnne Huff
Joe & Shannon Muller
Judy Wagoner
Karen Trotter
Kat Greene
Kathy Greason
Kelly Peterson
Kristin Gunasekera
Limitless (MBHA)
Linda Bober
Linda Muise
Lindsay Chartier
Lisa Twitchell
Marcie & Jim Miller
Mary Ann Cantwell
Mary Ann Wert
Michelle Buckenmeyer
Nancy Arkin
Newfound Sound Chorus
Rebekah Stanford
Robin Fleming
Rochester Rhapsody
Rosamunde Pope
Ruth Maple
Sara Wood
Seaside A Cappella
Sisters of Sound
Soleil Quartet
Steve & Renee Tramack
Sue Lethbridge
Sunshine Harmony Chorus
Susan MacKenzie
Susan Wood
Taralee Lashway
Teresa Kroculick
Teri Allred
The Over Tones, Inc.
The Thousand Islanders Chorus
Tim & Kathy McDaniel
Tom Gentry
Tony Sparks
Toronto Accolades
Tracey Beatty
Trinda Ernst
Valley Voices Inc
Victoria Green
Vivace Quartet
Women in Harmony Inc.

HI Donors to
Sing Canada Harmony
July 2023 – June 2024
With thanks to Sing Canada Harmony for providing the following names of Harmony, Inc. member donors.
Alice Main
Amy Patterson
Annabel Cohen
Area 1 Council
Barbara Carruthers
Bill & Betty Jean Vermue
Clarajeanne Kleppe
David Wells
Deb Moreau
Debbie Gay
Diane And David Patterson
Dianne Humphrey
Dorothy Webster
Franklin Elliott
Gail & Gilbert Chartier
Hazel Y. Alexander
Holly Bruyea
Irene Flemming
Irene Shura Butler
Janice & Roger Coffin
Joan Bishop-Langille
Joanne Sherk
John Elliott
Joyce Pitcher
June Cousens
Linda Brehaut
Linda Hilko
Linda Mcmaster
Loretta Waldon
Lynne Hamilton
Martha Walli
Mary Hrycay
Mary Lou And Mike Daniel
Mary-Lew Montague
Murray & Mary Phillips
Patricia Cassidy
Patricia Cyr
Patricia Watson
Penny Earley
Rhoda Fortier
Seaside A Cappella
Soleil Quartet
Sue Kember
The Thousand Islanders Chorus
Tracie Kennedy
Trayce Elenteny
Trinda Ernst
Valley Voices Inc.
Victoria L Green
Women in Harmony Inc.
Harmony, Incorporated is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.