2024 IC&C Judging Panel

Judging Panel
Sue Novosad (PC) Rob Campbell Joe Hunter Rob Mance
Steve Tremper Jay Dougherty Gene Spilker David Mills
Adele Merritt Fatima Whelen Nate Ogg

About the panel


Dr. Rob Campbell is a certified Musicality Judge for BHS and BABS. He is also a 53-year member of the Barbershop Harmony Society and has served in many capacities over the years: Quartet and chorus singer, chorus director, arranger, judge, coach and clinician. He is a member of the Masters of Harmony chorus and won a gold medal in 2011.

Rob has coached and judged for many musical organizations.  In addition to Harmony, Inc. he has made judging, teaching and coaching visits to BHS affiliates BABS (UK), LABBS (UK), SNOBS (Sweden), BinG! (Germany), Holland Harmony (Netherlands), IABS (Ireland), BHA (Australia) and BHNZ (New Zealand). He has also judged choral festivals for the World Choir Games, the Heritage Festivals and the Mayo International Choral Festival.

Rob has written arrangements for many quartets and choruses including the Musical Island Boys, the Masters of Harmony, the White Rosettes and the Great Western Chorus. He has seventeen arrangements published by BHS for men’s, women’s and mixed voices.

Rob certified as a BHS Music Judge in 1988 and was MUS Category Specialist from 2005-2007. Currently Rob serves as Chairman of the Lou Perry Scholarship Fund, awarding BHS Harmony University scholarships to young arrangers.

Professionally Rob is retired after a career as a music and humanities professor at the University of Wisconsin, the University of San Diego and the University of Phoenix. 

Dr. Jay Dougherty is the Performing Arts Department Chair and Director of Choral Activities at Drury University in Springfield, Missouri. He holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Choral Conducting (DMA), and a Masters in Choral Conducting (MM), both from the University of Colorado Boulder, and a bachelor’s degree in Choral Music Education (BM) from Brigham Young University, Provo.
Jay is a certified Music Judge for the BHS, a regular coach and clinician for quartets and choruses around the world, and is a 10-year faculty member at the Barbershop Harmony Society’s flagship educational event, Harmony University, where he teaches tuning and conducting. He is also an active and accomplished arranger with more than 80 arrangements, compositions, and publications in print in a variety of styles including barbershop, choral, and contemporary a cappella.

He has five wonderful daughters and recently celebrated his 20th anniversary with his wife Megan.

Joe Hunter is a born-and-raised New Yorker and has been singing and performing for as long as he can remember – and probably for quite some time prior to that.

Joe is a founding member of the Big Apple Chorus and was the Musical Director from 2000-2013. He directed the Long Island Twin Shores Chorus from 1994-2007. In 2013, he retired and was named as Director Emeritus. He and his wife Diane recently moved to northern Kentucky and he is a proud member and Music VP of the Cincinnati Southern Gateway Chapter. He also recently accepted the position of lead Musical Director for the Cincinnati Delta Kings Chorus.

He has been barbershopping for the last 48 years, and is a past BHS Presentation Category Specialist and 15-time PRS and PER Board of Review member. He was the project manager and one of the architects for the development and implementation of the new Performance Category. Joe also serves as mentor for Harmony, Inc.’s Performance Category. He is a certified CDWI (chorus director workshop intensive) trainer and sought after coach. He has served multiple times as faculty at Harmony University and has also served at numerous regional schools, Top Gun schools, and youth camps.

Joe has sung with many different quartets, most notably 4 Under Par (International finalists and all around wild and crazy guys), Reveille (7-time International contestants), and he currently sings baritone with Up All Night (8-time International contestants and current Seniors silver medalists). All these quartets are known as original, entertaining groups that have looked to push the creative envelope and develop a varied and proprietary repertoire.

In the real world, Joe was an SVP of Technology, where he managed teams of software developers. Ironically, in this role he also focused on performance!

Robert Mance has been the artistic director of BHS medalist chorus Central Standard since 2011. In 2016, he became the founding artistic director of SAI international chorus competitor Vocal Standard. Robert has completed the coursework for a doctoral degree in choral conducting at the University of Kansas. Most recently, he served as Director of Music at Shawnee Presbyterian Church where he also maintained a private voice studio. Now, he spends the rest of his week as a full-time coach of choruses and quartets.

He previously served as interim Director of Choral Activities and interim Voice Area Director at William Jewell College in Liberty, MO. Robert has also sung professionally with such groups as the Kansas City Chorale and the Westminster Symphonic Choir and Westminster Choir.

He is an active clinician for high school vocal ensembles, maintains a recording studio, and serves as a BHS judge in the singing category (2016-present), and formerly in the music category (2001-2016).

Robert completed his undergraduate studies in voice performance at McGill University in Montreal and completed his graduate studies in choral conducting and voice pedagogy at Westminster Choir College in Princeton.

Most importantly, he is married to Kristin Drummond, baritone of 2022 Harmony Queens Take 4

Adèle Merritt is the Musical Director of the Valley Voices A Cappella Chorus in Area 1, the Chorus Director Development Coordinator for Harmony, Inc., and a certified Musicality Judge. Adèle holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from the University of York, England where she studied voice, piano, clarinet, and composition. She’s also a dedicated music educator with over thirty years experience in the UK and Canada teaching both youth and adult musicians.

After moving to Canada, Adèle joined Harmony, Inc. in 2010, and learned valuable skills from her time as a Section Leader, Music Chair and Assistant Director with the ScotianAires chorus. She became the Musical Director for the Valley Voices in November 2021 and has been instrumental in growing the chapter from 24 members to 68 in just three years, winning the Sandi White International Membership Award for the Harmony, Inc. chapter achieving the highest growth in membership in 2023.
Adèle is a sought-after coach and judge who loves to share her knowledge and passion for a cappella singing with performers across Canada and the US. Adèle also sings in three quartets, and especially enjoys performing as the Bass of HI quartet, Tonic

David Mills - David’s musical background began as an instrumentalist – (trombone player) leading to a career with the U.S. Army Band from 1974-1994. David joined BHS in 1981, becoming the director of the Suncoast Statesmen in Punta Gorda – later the Coastmen of West Palm Beach – and the Highland Harmonizers of Colorado Springs, CO. He has sung in various quartets and other ensembles throughout his Barbershop “career”, including his very first quartet, Southern Blend (singing baritone with his dad, Bob Mills), representing the Sunshine district at the 1983 BHS International contest in Seattle. David was first certified as a BHS judge in the Singing Category in 1993; has served on 7 ICC panels (as well as ACC panels) 16 BHS International contest panels; Singing Category Board of Review 3 times; Singing Category Specialist from 2013-2015; SCJC Chair from 2016-2019; and continues to serve on the SCJC as Past Chair. David and his lovely wife, Linda (married since 1974) make their home in Tampa, Florida – and he is employed as a Cloud Solutions Architect for Oracle.

Sue Novosad has been a member of Harmony Incorporated since 2003.  She started her barbershop career with The OverTones in Guelph, Ontario - Area 5, where she held various positions within the chapter.  In 2011, Sue and her husband moved to Nova Scotia as a result of a job transfer for Sue and joined the Valley Voices in Kentville, Nova Scotia – Area 1.  Sue has been the Music Team Chair with the Valley Voices for 12 years. She also serves as the Contest/Stage Manager on the Area 1 ACC Team.   

Sue began her judging journey in 2010, when she was accepted as an applicant into the Contest and Judging Program in the Chairman of Judges category.  She certified in 2012 and has enjoyed every single Area and International convention she has worked at for the past 14 years.  In addition to her role as an ADM judge, she is also the International Contest and Judging Training Coordinator for Harmony Incorporated.  Sue moved into this role in 2016 and has the seen the judging program grow and flourish.  It has been a privilege to serve Harmony Inc. in the many hats Sue wears.

Her 27 year career with the Canadian Federal Government saw her working in the senior management ranks with three different federal departments and all in the corporate services area.  She retired in 2019 and is enjoying every minute of retirement.  She lives in Ogilvie, Nova Scotia along the beautiful shores of the Bay of Fundy and loves all East Coast seafood!

Nathan Ogg is an experienced choral professional specializing in Jazz, Folk, and the American Songbook, as well as various cappella vocal styles. Nathan attended Capital University Conservatory of Music and The Ohio State University for Vocal Music Performance and Choral Conducting, respectively, and recently earned a degree in Organizational Leadership from Purdue University.

Nathan has been singing barbershop since 2000 when a local barbershop chapter fostered his high school quartet. He has competed internationally with both quartets and choruses, placing as high as 18th in the world with his most recent quartet, Harmonic Thunder in 2022, and winning a gold medal with the Music City Chorus in the same year. He is currently the Musical Director of The Alliance Chorus, a BHS all-voices chorus, and a Certified Master Director in SAI.

He is a certified singing judge with the Barbershop Harmony Society, an active vocal coach, and a clinician for events across the US and Canada. His experience as a contracted choralist includes over 20 years with the professional chamber ensemble ProArteOhio.

In addition to his experience as a performer and coach, Nathan has built a reputation as an organizational leader. He has consulted for arts organizations in several countries on grant writing, organizational health, education, outreach, and leadership development. He is the Executive Director for the Worthington Chamber Orchestra, a professional instrumental ensemble in Columbus, OH

Eugene (Doc) Spilker is a 39-year, 3rd generation barbershopper (in a 4 generation barbershop family) with a diverse background. He has been a proud front row member of the Ambassadors of Harmony and part of the visual team for most of his barbershop endeavor. He is a certified Performance Judge with BHS since 2010. He has coached and choreographed visual packages for men and women’s chorus and quartet productions. His unique style and positive energy is intended to express the heart of the music to provide an experience for both the performer and the audience. He hopes to bring honesty, entertainment, and musicality out of every performance. He recently completed a second doctorate in health profession education. Eugene is a chiropractor, a clinical educator, interprofessional collaborator, and Dean of the School of Chiropractic at Universidad Central del Caribe.

Steve Tremper (Tenor) joined the Barbershop Harmony Society in Vermont in 1981, singing Lead, until IBM moved him to North Carolina in 1987. He served as President of both the Research Triangle Park and Central Carolina (Durham) chapters, competed on the International stage with the General Assembly Chorus, placed in the International top 20 with The CrackerJacks (1991), and won both (then) Dixie (2009) and Carolinas (2010) District Quartet Championships and the International Seniors Quartet Championship (2023) with Let's Sing! Steve is a certified Administrative Judge in the BHS judging program, and has served both the Dixie and Carolinas Districts as Vice President for Contest and Judging. Steve, now retired, lives in Simpsonville, SC with his wife Pam

Fatima Whelan grew up with a love of music whether it was in choirs, orchestra or theatre. An HI certified Performance Judge and coach. Is a Harmony Inc. member for 16+ years. Currently a member of the Valley Voices Acapella Chorus where she serves on the Performance and Music Team and a teaching quartet.

You may also have heard her as one of the hosts of Acaville’s Shoptalk. She loves living on the east coast in beautiful Nova Scotia where she works in finance with her family and pup Coco.