Constructive in our Work for Harmony, Incorporated
By Linda Brehaut, International President
In early February, the IBOD came together for our Q1 meeting. There are so many wonderful initiatives happening and just as many becoming our new normal.
A few highlights:
(These might make you consider running for the Board if you see how constructive we are!)
- Strategic plan - it is complete and should be ready for distribution before the end of the month! The intention is to also post it on our website, so it is easily accessible along with a tracking tool that will identify initiatives that have been completed, in progress, or tabled for now. This is an accumulation of 2.5 full years of amazing teamwork led by our Strategic Advisor. Board Directors and their teams of Assistants, committee members and task forces used surveys and member input, took those ideas and moved them into action. This is a time to celebrate our successes.
- Opportunities to further support both our youth and our judging community.
- A new Musical Leadership Education program that is almost ready to launch.
- An exciting opportunity to welcome chapters and/or quartets from the Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association to compete at Harmony, Inc.’s AC&Cs for score.
- Our first President’s Advisory Council meeting - a great opportunity to reach out past Harmony’s doors and collaborate with others from other barbershop societies as well as those from the business and non-profit world.
- Supporting chapters on reserve status that have had a difficult time rebuilding since the pandemic. Current policy allows for a chapter to remain on reserve status for two years. The IBOD has extended this by one more year in hopes that the chapters can attract a few more members now that people are feeling more comfortable in group settings
I am excited to share that, in consultation with the EDC and the AHQ, the IBOD has voted in favor of providing a choice to quartet members of whether they would like to receive the traveling crown or a traveling trophy, should they win the International Quartet Contest.
Starting this year, when quartets fill out their IC&C Quartet Contest Entry Form, each member of the qualifying quartet will make their selection of either the traveling crown or trophy. This will be an individual choice, not a quartet choice. All members of the quartet will receive a first-place medal, as always.
At the following IC&C, the outgoing Harmony Queens will return the traveling crowns and/or trophies and, consistent with their wishes, will receive either a permanent tiara or a permanent trophy.
I am proud of our organization for providing this choice to quartet members. This is one more way that our organization shows that we value the uniqueness of our members. That’s what makes us Harmony.
So many more initiatives were updated. We will do our best to keep you informed. With the launch of our new website, you will find it easier to locate information yourself.
Thank you for the music . . . and the friendship
What did we do before Facebook? I get so much joy out of seeing our championship quartet, Take 4, representing us, our youth quartet, Daphodyls, from Area 6, who performed brilliantly at the recent BHS Next Gen contest, as well as mentions of numerous quartet rehearsals that just remind us that this is a fun hobby and sometimes, it is more about the joy of good friends, good food, and a good laugh!
New award encourages new quartets
By Jess Leigh, HI Quartet Development Coordinator

L to R: Donna Ryder (lead), Anne Danforth (tenor), Nancy “Nan” Bossie (bass), Barbara Combs (baritone).
Four experienced musicians form new Q Ebb Tide
These Maine-ly Harmony and mixed chorus FairWinds members have formed to become Area 2’s newest quartet, Ebb Tide. Barbara joined the Fair Ladies, a quartet of members in FairWinds chorus, replaced their former baritone and was excited to join a new quartet.
“After singing in a couple of performances with both choruses, we knew we had something special,” she says.
Keeping with the nautical names but wanting to redefine themselves, they tossed ideas around for about three months before landing on Ebb Tide. ‘Starfish’ was considered, but they didn’t want to be seen as fish blowing bubbles instead of ringing chords. ‘Stardust,’ ‘Star Gazers,’ ‘Star Shine,’ and even ‘Galaxy’ were among the choices but they seemed “just too far out there.” At a recent rehearsal, they were singing through their current repertoire and Anne suggested ‘Ebb Tide.’ With a few glances at each other, they responded, “That’s it!,” “Yes, it works!” and “Let’s do it.”
All vaccinated and playing it safe after a few COVID experiences, these singers plan to meet about twice a month. They look forward to singing at Maine-ly Harmony and FairWinds local performances over the next few months. While they don’t know exactly what their future holds, they are enjoying their time together and hope to get coaching to help develop their sound.
Music is an integral part of their lives
“Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember and has always been my happy place,” shares Nan. When she can find free time, Nan spends it crafting, reading, cooking, and working at her second job: spoiling her grandson.
“Having the chance to blend my voice with these three women is such a joy,” says Anne, who also loves music -- “especially harmony” -- and she’s very excited about her new quartet adventure. You might recognize her name as she sings lead in Heart ‘n Soul.
Donna and Anne “are both country girls at heart” and they sometimes perform classic country music in local nursing home facilities and events. Donna also has some experience as an instrumentalist on the organ and ukulele and formerly sang in a country band for five years.
Barbara currently sings lead vocals in a rock-and-roll band. She’s been a baritone in Sweet Adelines prior to joining Maine-ly Harmony and says, “I've wanted to be a part of a quartet since moving to Maine.”
The love and friendship is evident with this fabulous foursome. Please welcome Ebb Tide to our Harmony family!

VINTAGE - Denise Struve (baritone), Betty Gunterman (lead), Patricia Cassidy (tenor on screen), Robin Gould (bass)
Vintage inspired by new award
The newly announced award for senior quartets has sparked these four to gather their talents to see what happens. Betty tells us, "The gorgeous award Diane and David Patterson revealed at IC&C inspired us to try getting together since we're all qualified."
And their quartet name? She says, “Vintage seems to fit our ‘senior’ status, plus, it was the one name we all agreed on!”
Since they’re just getting started, they’re working out the details of rehearsing as a long-distance quartet with three living in Illinois and one in Ontario, Canada. Competing is definitely in their future and “anything else we can fit in” says Betty. Area 4 is fortunate to have this wise foursome in their mix!
Welcome to the family, Vintage!

THE 4 THE MERRIER - Peggy Nicley (lead), Tammy Hughes (tenor), Joy Paulter (bass), Bev Calfee (bari)
New chorus spawns new quartet
One of our newest chartering choruses, Sunshine Harmony, is excited to feature their new quartet, The 4 The Merrier, into Harmony, Inc.
They’ve caught the bug – again! After a short break, this group is back to ringing chords and celebrating over 75 years of combined barbershop singing. Although they’re retired from their professional lives, they’re certainly not slowing down from their singing career.
Peggy, Tammy, Joy, and Bev are all grandmothers and golfers who enjoy cruises, volunteering for St. Jude, and one who works as a barista part-time and another who writes parody songs. “Just wait… a song about Area 6 is going to happen!” Peggy claims. The fun and laughter never stops when this quartet is together – it’s a wonder they even get around to singing!
Area 6 AC&C in Tampa is on their horizon, and they’re really excited to meet everyone there. As they build their repertoire, they plan to entertain at local assisted living facilities, women’s groups, and Area 6 events. “We are on a mission to spread harmony and happiness whenever and wherever possible,” Peggy professes.
Welcome, The 4 The Merrier!
In the last issue, we inadvertently misspelled a quartet member's name in the caption to the photo. Sun-cerely's tenor is Barb Cioffi. Our sincere apologies!
Join the team!
By Allison Thompson, IC&C Manager
The convention team is still looking for someone to fill the role of On-site Manager. If you are good with details and are interested in learning more about how this position works with the hotel on all of our set-up (outside of the contest area), please reach out to me.
We also have three new supporting roles for anyone who may want to be involved in the pre-planning of IC&C but who doesn’t want to manage anything during the event.
Marketing Manager
This person will work closely with the Convention Manager and the Communications team to develop a robust communication plan for IC&C to ensure membership is aware of all deadlines and activities surrounding IC&C. They would also be involved in creating the IC&C website content, writing our monthly HI Note articles, FAQ document, and more.
Project Manager
This person will work closely with the Convention Manager to project manage all things related to IC&C, to ensure we stay on task for everything leading up to the event. This includes being the liaison not only within the IC&C team but with other teams in the organization (Corporate, AHQ, Education etc.) and third-party vendors. They would also support some of the more admin specific tasks such as monthly call notes, dinner seating plan, hotel rooming lists, fair share assessment charges, and other tasks as needed.
Business Services Manager
This person would be responsible for securing vendors for the Harmony Mall, including updating and distributing contracts as well as soliciting IC&C big screen ads from those companies with whom Harmony, Inc. does business, and the general membership. If space is available, she also informs chapters that they may sell merchandise in the IC&C Hospitality Room.
We are a fun-loving, diverse, and dynamic team. We’d love to have you join us!
Behind the scenes at IC&C
By Kim Meechan, Area 1 Associate Member
I knew IC&C 2022 was going to be different this year as for the first time I was not participating in the contest. As a new Associate member, I wondered how I would fill my time so, when the request came out for members to volunteer, I decided to sign up. I thought this would be a great way to learn more about the ins and outs of the convention and the work of the Convention Team.
Well, did I ever learn a lot! I spent two days volunteering backstage and had SO much fun. Helping ensure participants went on and off the stage in the right direction allowed me to feel the excitement from a different perspective. I worked with amazing people and got to watch the performances from a very close-up position.
On another day I worked a shift where I looked after the belongings of chorus members who were about to go on the stage. I knew that excitement from past experiences but to see and feel it from this perspective was electric. I signed up for a third shift selling tickets at the entrance. Although it was not overly busy, it was great fun watching everyone milling about the entrance, watching the contest of the screen in the atrium, and chatting with friends as they walked by.
Through these experiences as a volunteer, my respect and admiration for the Convention Team grew even larger. The work is multi-layered and complex at times. Dealing with hundreds of people, keeping everything on time and running smoothly, training new volunteers on the spot, and putting out fires is not a job for the faint of heart... nor for those of us who find multitasking a challenge! They are outstanding people who deserve our thanks, times a million!
I encourage anyone attending IC&C in the future to consider volunteering. Even a couple of hours will make a difference and is sure to bring a new perspective to your experience of participating in this exciting year-end event. Not only will you be giving back to Harmony, Inc. but you will have fun and make new friends.
It’s a win-win situation!
IC&C Qualifying Scores
By Kathy Greason, ICJC
Have you been thinking about chorus and quartet goals for AC&C this year? If the answer is yes, and if one of your goals includes qualifying to be in the contests in Grand Rapids in November, you are probably interested in scores needed to qualify. Well, at its most recent meeting, the IBOD approved qualifying scores for our 2023 IC&C, based on recommendations from your ICJ Committee, and endorsed by your International Planning Committee.
For choruses, the qualifying score is 66% (792 total from a double panel.) If fewer than 27 choruses achieve that number, or if fewer than 27 qualifiers indicate an intent to compete, then choruses that achieved or exceeded a score of 64% (768) at AC&C may be eligible to enter the International contest by invitation. Invitations will be issued to choruses in descending order of score and will close when 27 choruses have indicated intent to enter the contest or when the pool of those that have achieved the alternate score is exhausted, whichever occurs first.
For quartets, the qualifying score is 68% (816 total from a double panel). If fewer than 25 quartets achieve that number, or if fewer than 25 qualifiers indicate an intent to compete, then quartets that achieved or exceeded a score of 66% (792) at AC&C may be eligible to enter the International contest by invitation. Invitations will be issued to quartets in descending order of score and will close when 25 quartets have indicated intent to enter the contest or when the pool of quartets that have achieved the alternate score is exhausted, whichever occurs first.
And if those explanations sound a bit dry, it is because the language in the rule is pretty dry!
Furthermore, if these numbers seem familiar, it is because they are the same numbers that the IBOD approved for the 2020 season that never was. Doesn’t that decision seem to acknowledge that we kept up skills and motivation during the pandemic? I think so, and good for us.
By Kim Meechan, Director of Philanthropy
Since 2016 Harmony, Inc. has been receiving funds through the AmazonSmile program, thanks to the support of many Harmony Inc. members. Sadly, we have recently been notified by Amazon that they will be winding down the AmazonSmile program by February 20, 2023.
Over $500 has been raised for Harmony, Inc. through this program over the years. We are extremely grateful to those members who chose to contribute this way.
If you would like to continue supporting Harmony, Inc. through your online shopping, please consider joining many other Harmony, Inc. members who donate through iGive. This program is available to online shoppers in the U.S. and Canada. It’s super easy to sign up by going to www.iGive.com/HarmonyInc.
Once you’ve created an account, install the iGive button. When you shop online, iGive will check to see if the store provides a charitable donation, and a donation will automatically go to Harmony, Inc. at no cost to you.
Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time providing a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
From Atlanta Harmony Celebration in honor of Kathy Stone. To our amazing director! We love and appreciate you so much. We are Stronger Together!
Condolences From The Membership |
Those we cherish will always live on in memory.
- to the Sea Belles (Area 1) on the death of longtime member Joan B. Clark.
- to Cory Stiehl (Rochester Rhapsody, Area 3) who lost her father, Gordon Nitsch, on December 24, 2022.
- to Loreen Martin, a longtime member of Nickel City Sound (Area 5), on the loss of her husband Larry, who was a great supporter and friend to the chorus.
- to the family and friends of Marge (Drever) Wagner, bass of Black Magic 1984 Harmony Queens and director of former Harmony Inc chapters, the Mello Blends from Barrie, Ontario and Lake Country Harmony of Orillia, Ontario.
Need to post a condolence notice? Please have the information sent to the Corporate Office to be recorded. Thank you.
15 MARCH 2023 - The first 200 people who pre-register by March 15, 2023 will be guaranteed reserved seating for all contest sessions at IC&C 2023.
1 APRIL - Deadline for membership renewals for all Chapter, Associate, and Affiliate members
30 APRIL - Deadline to apply for Directors First scholarship to Harmony U
1 MAY - Nominations forms for IBOD and Area Directors due to Elections Committee
12-13 MAY - IBOD Mid-Year meeting, time TBD, via Zoom
12-13 AUGUST - IBOD Q3 meeting, time TBD, via Zoom.
6-8 NOVEMBER - IBOD Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Contest entry forms are available online using the links below.
Official Area Chorus Contest Entry Form
Official Area Quartet Contest Entry Form.
The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox March 5, What would YOU like to read about in that issue? Share your thoughts with editor@harmonyinc.org by February 28.
See you in a couple weeks!
Copyright © 2023 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.
As a member of Harmony, Inc. you are entitled to all communication from Harmony, Inc.
Our mailing address is:
Harmony, Inc.
Corporate Office
9466 Pleasant Level Rd
Mechanicsville, VA 23116