Returning to our regularly scheduled lives
Everything comes back to barbershop
By Gaye LaCasce, International President
I may have told you that, in our house, we have a mantra - "Everything comes back to barbershop." It seems that, no matter what the problem/ challenge/ success (etc.!) may be, there's a corollary in our barbershop life.
I was thinking about that during the closing ceremony of the Olympics. I LOVE the Olympics and always feel a bit let-down when they are over. Do you feel similarly? After all the hoopla, athletes have to return to their "real" lives - which except for some of the marquee sport athletes who are heavily subsidized to practice all year - may seem mundane.
How does that relate to barbershop? Those of you who attended Harmony University are undoubtedly a good example. While it's great to hug your families and sleep in your own beds after an all-consuming barbershop event, the let-down of returning to a non-singing life is real. I know that from first-hand experience, attending HU with the Honeymooners, a mixed quartet that Dan and I sang with for 15 years (and the first mixed quartet to be coached at HU!) as well as with Aged to Perfection.
An excellent show, a medal at a contest, a wonderful coaching session, a chorus or quartet retreat - all these provide that warm after-glow feeling, and then there's the need to return to our regularly scheduled lives. For some barbershoppers, barbershopping is both a vocation and and avocation - how lucky are they? But the rest of us are akin to the US break-dancing team in Paris - having a blast, enriching our own lives, providing great entertainment for our audiences, and modeling a dedication to learning and improvement in our craft.
Yes, I love the Olympics. But I love barbershop more.
And on that note, I hope to see many of you at the Know Before You Go Zoom call (see details below.) Even if you're an IC&C pro, you'll hear about some new developments that will make your experience feel even more Olympian!
CLARIFICATION: In the last issue of the HI Note the link to the report on our member surveys that we promised you was corrupted. We apologize for the frustration. Here's the correct link. Happy reading!
What's next?
By Shannon Shelton-Muller, IC&C Marketing Assistant
You've booked your room, your chorus or quartet has submitted or will soon submit your AEP registration, what do you do next? Here's a look at what's next for IC&C:
The second annual Know Before You Go Call is on Sunday, August 25 at 4:00 p.m. EDT. Learn about all the ins and outs of IC&C. An email with the Zoom information was emailed to members on August 9.
Join Bluegrass Harmony Chorus as they host the draw for the 2024 International Convention & Contests. The action takes place September 12 at 7:45 p.m. EDT. Which quartet will be out of the gate first? Which chorus will bring it home in the long stretch? We'll find out LIVE! Information on how to watch will be sent out closer to the event day and time.
Start making your plans. The agenda overview for IC&C is now available on the website.
Attending the Saturday night dinner? You can look forward to seeing a main course that is gluten-free on your plate consisting of:
- Herb Marinated Grilled Chicken with Lemon Caper sauce
- Whipped potatoes
- Heirloom carrots
Looking for a vegetarian option for your main course? We've got you covered with a Provencal Ratatouille that is also gluten-free. You'll enjoy zucchini, squash, eggplant, and tomatoes served with long-grain rice.
For dessert, there will be Triple Chocolate Cake with a special option for our gluten-free diners of an Orange Bundt Cake. And of course, there will be rolls, coffee, tea, and water for everyone.
Show support for your favorite chorus, quartet, coach, and more with a Big Screen ad! The deadline is October 1.
- Harmony, Inc. member, quartet, or chapter = $35 per slide
- Non-Harmony, Inc. barbershop member = $100 per slide
- Not affiliated with any barbershop organization (outside provider) = $150 per slide
Looking to raise money for your quartet or chorus by selling items at IC&C? We've got a deal for you! Harmony, Inc. will provide one table and two chairs to members at no cost. If you require a bigger space; you may purchase additional booth space.
Additional booth space is available at the following rates:
- 3 tables; two chairs = $300.00 (total of 4 tables)
- 2 tables; two chairs = $250.00 (total of 3 tables)
- 1 table; two chairs = $150.00 (total of 2 tables)
Prices are listed in US Dollars. The rental fee is non-refundable.
Reserve your space, today.
If you have questions about securing your booth space, please contact our Convention Business Services Assistant at ICCBusinessAsst@harmonyinc.org.
Please go HERE to book your hotel room.
We ask that all choruses register their members at the same time vs having members register individually. This ensures you will be seated together at dinner.
You can register for ICC here.
Click here for detailed instructions on the use of this form.
Looking for mobility assistance during IC&C? Booking is available for scooters.
Cost: Wednesday 11/6 - Saturday 11/9 (scooter due for drop off by 11am on Sunday the 10th) is $175.
Arriving earlier than Wednesday? No problem. Scooters are available as early as Sunday 11/3. The cost for an earlier rental for the week is $206 (Sunday the 4th or Monday the 5th).
To book:
• Call 502-799-5419.
• Let them know you are with Harmony, Inc. for their convention at the Galt House.
• Give the required time for pick up and drop off.
• Payment is due at the time of booking.
All scooters will come with baskets. Still have questions? Contact Debbie, the IC&C Business Services Assistant at iccbusinessasst@hamonyinc.org.

Are you wondering about the convention's schedule of events? It's on the webpage. Please also visit the FAQ page for more details on IC&C! The FAQ sheet is updated throughout the contest season with everything you need to know.
First-timer angst
By Elizabeth Meeker, Membership Coordinator
EDITOR'S NOTE: Each month, Advice Columnist Liz addresses burning questions on all aspects of barbershop performance and administration submitted by Harmony members. Please click the byline above to send her your query.
Dear Liz,
I am going to my first IC&C this year! I'm a little worried about it, what should I expect?
- Frazzled in Fitchburg
Dear Frazzled,
Worry not, the good people of HI have got your back!
First, there will be a series of emails coming to you in the next few months addressing some concerns you may have as a new person.
Second, Convention Manager Allison Thompson is having a Zoom call on Sunday, August 25 at 4 p.m. Eastern titled Know Before You Go! to help. She will show contest patterns, area activities, and where to eat at this year's IC&C. So please try to attend that!
Third, there will be a New Attendees room for people to come hang out, ask questions, and just get to know other folks in general.
And lastly, we're organizing some tours for folks who may need a walk-through of the convention area once they arrive.
HOWEVER! Don't forget to ask your chorus for chapter-specific info!
See you there!
In Harmony,
2024 International Chorus |
2024 International Chorus seeks singers
Associates, it's time to respond to the invitation!
By Sandra Morris, International Music Coordinator
This year's International Chorus - composed of Associate members, members of non-competing choruses, and a limited number of representatives from competing choruses - will be performing Seize the Day under the direction of Jordan Travis at the conclusion of the Friday Chorus Contest.
Last week, Associate members received invitations to participate in the International Chorus. The deadline to reply is August 24. After that date we will move on to inviting members of non-competing choruses, then members of competing choruses.
If this is something you've always wanted to do, here is your opportunity.

By Tessa Walker, Youth Coordinator
It is time to send in your nominations for the Harmony Youth Member of the Year Award! Each year Harmony, Inc. honors outstanding contributions by our youth members with this award. With so many highly qualified youth members, we are depending upon you to facilitate their nomination.
Our organization is successful because of the many volunteers who contribute their time and energy for the good of Harmony, Inc. and fellow singers. The Harmony, Inc. Youth Member of the Year Award recognizes Youth Members who have made significant contributions to the organization and/or the music community. This award is presented each year at our International Convention and Contests.
A description of the selection and nomination process can be found on form HAR-120A. The nomination form is HAR-120. Both forms can be found on the Members Only section of the Harmony, Inc. website. The deadline for nomination submission is September 15, so don't delay!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Minor Chords Director Sought |
Nominate yourself or someone else...
We need a pool of people interested in directing the Minor Chords at future IC&Cs.
You can nominate yourself or you can nominate someone else. The goal is to keep the tradition of having a new person each year and we want to continue to diversify the directorship.
If you are interested in nominating someone (or yourself), please fill out this Google form. You can direct any questions to youth@harmonyinc.org
Summer Sing in Smith's Cove |
Summer Sing in Smith’s Cove, Nova Scotia
By Yvonne Rafuse, Area 1 Director
What happens when two Harmony, Inc. Area Directors put their heads together and decide to plan for a Summer Sing event? That’s right, something very special happens!
Area 2 Director Julie Schwingbeck is a summer resident of the seaside village of Smith’s Cove, Nova Scotia. This area is not only rich in beauty, but also in talent, as we discovered in 2022 when Julie hosted a Summer Sing program in an area of the province where there is currently no Harmony chapter.
Summer Sing is an opportunity for choruses to open their doors to anyone who likes to sing to learn about our art form, our organization, and our choruses. This all takes place while learning a new song or two with a welcoming group of experienced singers. Or in the Smith's Cove case, it was a collaborative effort of members from multiple choruses introducing Harmony to a group of women, most of whom are learning about this for the very first time. How exciting!
This year, Julie approached Area 1 Director Yvonne Rafuse about collaborating on a four-week event. Area 1 Executive Member and HI Strategic Advisor Linda McMaster, Area 1 Secretary Deb Bradley, and HI Chapter Development Coordinator Liz Meeker met and hatched a plan that invited Area 1 chorus members to participate, hoping that experienced singers would bolster the voices of the new-to-harmony participants.
Once the dates were set and advertisements were posted, three Area 1 chapters located near Smith’s Cove, sprang into action. Valley Voices Assistant Directors Trinda Ernst and Paula Henley and Seaside A Cappella Music Director Judy Comeau, were out front on different weeks. Heather MacIntyre, Charlene Jones, and Julie Schwingbeck supported the directors by leading warm-ups and break-out groups.
In total, fifteen talented HI members from Valley Voices, ScotianAires, and Seaside A Cappella supported the new singers with their attendance on various evenings. Seventeen non-HI members participated. Friends and families were impressed by the performance on the last evening of the program and enjoyed meeting everyone at the reception that followed. Plans are already being made for a Smith’s Cove Summer Sing in 2025 and several 2024 attendees will be meeting via Zoom in the fall to discuss forming a Harmony, Inc. chapter in the near future.
Testimonials from participants truly tell the tale. Here are a few excerpts:
I loved meeting everybody and the positive energy in the room was very infectious. Thank you for taking us newbies under your wing and helping us have a great experience.
Julie, as I said - great organizing and mentoring job, and thanks for the opportunity. Pleasure to learn and be supported by you.
Fellow local songstresses - thanks for the camaraderie and shared learning experience.
Many thanks to Julie, Trinda, and all the other “helpers” from neighbouring choirs. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and it was a lot of fun. Already looking forward to next summer’s edition.
Area 1 is grateful to Julie for initiating this collaboration. Not only did she expertly organize the event, but she hosted several neighbouring chorus members in her beautiful summer home. The very important seeds of Harmony, Inc. have not only been planted but have touched the hearts of the participants.
Seventeen new singers experienced the joy of four-part a cappella singing, Harmony-style, for the first time at Area 1's Summer Sing program.

Sing together. Unite the world.
By Teri Allred, PR Coordinator
We are inviting all of Harmony to sing together with friends, family or your whole community on World Singing Day and be a part of something big.
World Singing Day is a global sing-along held annually on the third Saturday in October. Founded in 2012 by Colorado musician Scott Johnson, World Singing Day brings people together in their communities all around the world through the simple act of singing together. This one day each year serves as an opportunity to celebrate our global family through the international language of music.
Says Roxanne Powell who participated in this event last year, “It was inspirational! I felt like we were connected with thousands of people around the world who were all singing the same song at the same time. What a rush!”
So grab your besties as we extend an invitation to all Harmony, Inc. to come together this year to be part of WSD.
There are several ways to participate:
- Learn the common song and film/share your chorus singing this year’s WSD Song_of_the_Year , a mashup of We Are The World and Imagine. You can simply sing the melody or SATB parts. Share on social media #worldsingingday. Share your videos with Scott Johnson so he can include them in the master compilation.
- Host your own WSD event. Invite neighbors over to your home, meet friends at a bar or pub, or invite your whole community to sing together in the center of town.
- Sing at home – Sing your favorite songs at home with your quartet, family, and friends. Share on social media #worldsingingday.
- Sing the WSD Theme Song Till the Whole World Sings and share it on social media #worldsingingday.
If you choose to participate by hosting an event please register your event with World Singing Day. Let us know about your event by submitting your story so we can add it to the Harmony, Inc. special World Singing Day webpage.

Class is in session!
Engaging Youth - Part 4 with Tessa Walker - August 28 7:30 pm ET
Engaging Youth - Part 5 with Tessa Walker - September 25 7:30 pm ET
Soon to be posted to the HIVE library:
Hearty, Happy, Healthy
YOU are invited to check out our new classes and/or dive into the reference library. Don't forget it's searchable!

Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time providing a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
Condolences From The Membership |
- to Brenda Ammerman, a bass in Panama City A Cappella Chorus and Shore Sounds Quartet on the death of her husband, David, in June. David was a long time member of the BHS Gulf Tones Chorus.
- to Andrea Dean, Chapter President and member of Area 1 Chorus Seaside A Cappella, who lost her mother, Lorna Dean, August 5th, 2024, at the age of 94. We extend our sympathies and hope that our prayers, love, and support lift her spirits in the days ahead.
- to Shannon Sanborn (Barre-Tones, Inc., Area 2) on the death of her dad on August 4, 2024
- to Dee Davis (Rochester Rhapsody, Area 3) and her wife, Soundra, on the loss of Soundra's aunt, Louvilla Medina, in June 2024.
- to Lisa Twitchell (Rochester Rhapsody, Area 3) on the loss of her father-in-law, Lowell Twitchell, on July 23, 2024.
- to Cathy Woodlock (former Rochester Rhapsody, Area 3) on the loss of her father, Charles Thiele, on August 11, 2024.
- to the family and friends of Jean Snow (former Barre-Tones, Inc., Area 2), who passed away recently
Need to post a condolence notice? Please have the information sent to the Administrative Coordinator to be recorded. Thank you.
24 AUGUST - Deadline for Associate members to respond to invitation to sing in the International Chorus in Louisville
25 AUGUST, 4:00 pm ET - ICC Know Before You Go Call
28 AUGUST, 7:30 p.m. EDT - HIVE Class - Engaging Youth Part 4, Instructor: Tessa Rae Walker
12 SEPTEMBER, 7:45 p.m. EDT - Bluegrass Harmony livestreams draw for 2024 Contest Order of Appearance
15 SEPTEMBER - Canadian Chapters are required to file a T2 with CRA
15 SEPTEMBER - Youth Member of the Year Nominations Deadline
25 SEPTEMBER, 7:30 p.m. EDT - HIVE Class - Engaging Youth Part 5, Instructor: Tessa Rae Walker
1 OCTOBER - ICC Hotel Room Reservation Deadline
19 OCTOBER - World Singing Day
International Conventions & Contests |
The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox September 5. What would you like to see covered in our pages? Drop a line to editor@harmonyinc.org and we'll tell the world. Next deadline is August 28.
See you again, soon!
Copyright © 2024 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.