What is our culture?
Do you know?
By Gaye LaCasce, International President
'Tis the season.... to be busy!
Schools are back in session. Many of us have just enjoyed a long weekend, marking the official end of summer. Pumpkin spice is ubiquitous. My neighbors have decorated for Halloween. And dozens of chapters and quartets are in coaching mode, preparing for IC&C... or doubling down on plans for the coming year.
Social media has been full of wonderful posts about Summer Sings, guest nights, and new members. It's a great opportunity to reflect on culture - the culture of Harmony, of our Areas, and of our chapters. What is your Area or chapter's culture - do you know? Some groups are crystal clear when answering that question, and I believe that those are the groups that are growing, serving members, and improving.
While it's possible to achieve those things while NOT embracing specific tenets that create a culture, it is much more difficult. I've spoken with dozens of members and volunteers over the past months; the ones who seem most fulfilled with Harmony's promise are those whose choruses or quartets "buy into" a culture or a set of principles and behaviors.
For example, think about how great it feels to be included in a group (especially when you're new.) How does your ensemble incorporate new people? Does your group love to learn and be challenged, or is it more rewarding to sing through the repertoire you know? How do you learn music? Reflect on your ensemble, and the agreements you've made - what kind of chorus or quartet are you? Does your group explicitly discuss expectations? Do you have a shared definition of "FUN" in this hobby... perhaps working hard to see results? Simply sharing a night out? Becoming a force for good in the community?
Does your Area provide opportunities to get to know other chapters? Does it provide educational opportunities? Are chapters (and individuals) supportive of one another?
There may be no right or wrong answers (although I know what type of experience I want!) Whatever the definition of culture, knowing what it is and how to introduce it to new members... that's the important thing. Harmony's culture was established when it was founded in 1959. Recalling our founding principles is a great place to start the culture conversation - and I encourage you all to spend a few minutes thinking about the things that enrich your Harmony experience. Then talk about it with your Area Councils... with your chapter leadership... with your sections... with your quartet mates.
It is, indeed, a busy season, but talking about your ensemble's culture - what it is and what it could be - might be time well spent.

Live draws, celebrations, and photos, oh my!
By Shannon Shelton-Muller, IC&C Marketing Assistant
We've got lots of exciting information for you as we approach the starting gate for IC&C 2024. We're only eight weeks away from post time!
Join Bluegrass Harmony Chorus as they host the live draw for the 2024 International Convention & Contests. The action takes place September 12 at 7:45 p.m. EDT. Which quartet will be first out of the gate? Which chorus will bring it home in the long stretch? Find out LIVE! Look for information on how to watch in your email soon.
We're turning our opening ceremonies into a CELEBRATION! As if lots of singing, exciting updates, officer installation, awards, and Singing with the Queens weren't enough, we're having a Derby Hat Contest! Wear your favorite derby hat or fascinator and enter our Derby Hat Contest. The winner will be comped one room night at the Galt House during IC&C!
We know that best-laid plans don't always work out. If you wanted to attend the Know Before You Go Call on August 25 and missed it, we've got you covered. You can check out what you missed by using the links below:
Watch the recording
View the slides
Looking for more rehearsal time? We still have openings for open rehearsal space on Thursday, November 7.
Here is the access to the Sign Up Sheet for booking a space. There are four rooms this year for Open Rehearsals, available in 50-minute rehearsal slots between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 7
The information on the Sign Up Sheet lists the name of the room and its size in square feet. Please choose the room appropriate to your chorus size so that the larger choruses have the opportunity to book the larger rooms. Your help with this is appreciated.
The rooms are available for booking from now until Thursday, November 7. However, since we have fewer rooms this year, please book only one time slot so that every chorus has the chance to choose the room and time they need. Closer to November 7 if there are still time slots available, these can be booked for a second rehearsal slot for your chorus.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact iccservicesmgr@harmonyinc.org
You can still register for your AEP, Saturday dinner, event tickets and more but as of September 1 the prices for all AEP types has increased by $10.
We ask that all choruses register their members at the same time vs having members register individually. This ensures you will be seated together at dinner.
You can register for ICC here.
Click here for detailed instructions on the use of this form
Unexpected change in plans and no longer able to use the AEP, dinner, or event ticket(s) you purchased? As you know, all are non-refundable, but YOU can transfer any and all to someone else!
How? Using the NEW "Self-Serve Ticket Transfer" bulletin board on the HI website (in the members-only section).
How does it work? Starting September 15, as a Seller, you can post what you have available for transfer. Any interested Buyer can visit the Self-Serve Ticket Transfer page and contact you directly to purchase the ticket(s) from you. Note: All payments are between the seller and the buyer. Further specific instructions and details can be found on the Ticket Transfer page.
The IC&C Registrar will be notified of postings and transfers and once a ticket has been 'claimed' they will reach out to the buyer to request additional information as needed.
Questions? Please reach out to Linda Briggs, IC&C Registrar
Photo forms are available online.
- Make sure to print your copy and bring it with you to contest.
- Quartets will turn theirs in to the photo room during the pattern.
- Chorus photos will be taken onstage. A representative from each chorus will have an opportunity to meet with the photographer after the contest to select your official photo and turn in your order form.
Show support for your favorite chorus, quartet, coach, and more with a Big Screen ad!
The deadline is October 1.
- Harmony, Inc. member, quartet, or chapter = $35 per slide
- Non-Harmony, Inc. barbershop member = $100 per slide
- Not affiliated with any barbershop organization (outside provider) = $150 per slide
Looking to raise money for your quartet or chorus by selling items at IC&C? We've got a deal for you! Harmony, Inc. will provide one table and two chairs to members at no cost. If you require a bigger space; you may purchase additional booth space.
Additional booth space is available at the following rates:
- 3 tables; two chairs = $300.00 (total of 4 tables)
- 2 tables; two chairs = $250.00 (total of 3 tables)
- 1 table; two chairs = $150.00 (total of 2 tables)
Prices are listed in US Dollars. The rental fee is non-refundable.
Reserve your space today.
If you have questions about securing your booth space, please contact our Convention Business Services Assistant.
Please go HERE to book your hotel room.
Looking for mobility assistance during IC&C? Booking is available for scooters.
Cost: Wednesday, November 6 - Saturday, November 9 (scooter due for drop off by 11 a.m. Sunday, November 10) is $175.
Arriving earlier than Wednesday? No problem. Scooters are available as early as Sunday, November 3. The cost for an earlier rental for the week is $206 (Sunday, November 4 or Monday, November 5).
To book:
Call 502-799-5419.
Let them know you are with Harmony, Inc. for their convention at the Galt House.
Give the required time for pick up and drop off.
Payment is due at the time of booking.
All scooters will come with baskets. Still have questions? Contact Debbie, IC&C Business Services Assistant.
Remember, you can always visit the FAQ page for details on IC&C! The FAQ sheet is kept updated throughout the contest season with everything you need to know.
Convention Team Seeks Volunteers |
By Anne Leinen, IC&C Volunteer Manager
There are still many jobs waiting to be filled on the Volunteer Signup. Here are just a few:
- Pattern Coordinator: ensure the contestants move seamlessly from the warmup room to the stage.
- Awards Assistant: Help the Convention Assistant with the organization and presentation of Chorus Awards.
- Ticket Sellers: Sell tickets during the first half of the contest. One of the two ticket sellers must have the Zelle app on their smartphone.
- Quartet/Chorus Stage Viewing Assistant: Assist the Stage Manager with organizing the Stage Viewing Wednesday afternoon.
- Warm-Up Room Monitor: Greet incoming contestants and give a 3-minute warning when the allotted time is up.
- Photo Room Monitor: Assist photographer with props; keep track of time; collect photo order forms.
- Dinner Assistant: Direct banquet attendees to their assigned tables. This is a quick job – 45 minutes and you’re done.
- Showcase Hall Monitor: Assist with organizing performers in the hallway before going on stage.
There are other jobs as well – click on the link and see what interests you. Harmony, Inc. 2024 Volunteer Opportunities: Registration - Opening Ceremony - Showcase (signupgenius.com)
You can also access the signup on the Volunteer page on the Harmony website – look for the “Volunteer Here” button.
Welcome to the Convention Team |
Welcome to the Convention Team, Debbie Glenn!
By Allison Thompson, Convention Manager
I am pleased to announce that Debbie Glenn has accepted the Convention Team Assistant position and will be transitioning to this role throughout the coming months.
Debbie has been a member of A Cappella Showcase since 2016 and is a former Sweet Adeline. She has a vast musical background including playing the guitar and singing in a church choir as well as with her family..
With tongue only slightly in cheek, Debbie says, “Singing is a great way to burn off excess stress because it takes less energy to sing than it does to cry.”
We are so thrilled Debbie will be bringing her organizational skillset to this important role! I want to take this time to also thank Rita Sherman for her two years of service and helping us create this new position on the team. She has been a valuable asset and will be greatly missed!
2024 International Chorus |
2024 International Chorus seeks singers
Non-competing chorus members, it's your turn to respond!
By Sandra Morris, International Music Coordinator
This year's International Chorus - composed of Associate members, members of non-competing choruses, and a limited number of representatives from competing choruses - will be performing Seize the Day under the direction of Jordan Travis at the conclusion of the Friday Chorus Contest.
Recently, we sent an invitation for members of non-competing choruses to sing in the International Chorus to all the presidents of non-competing choruses. Please check with your president if you have not heard anything about the invitation.
We are encouraging as many members of non-competing choruses as possible to experience the magic of performing on the international stage. The deadline for a non-competing chorus member to reply is September 14. After that date, we will be inviting members of competing choruses.
Due to rising material and postage costs, the one-time new member fee will increase to $15 effective October 1, 2024. This fee covers the cost of the membership pin and permanent member ID card each new member receives upon joining Harmony.

Sing together. Unite the world.
We are inviting all of Harmony to sing together with friends, family or your whole community on World Singing Day and be a part of something big.
Harmony Heritage will be hosting a World Singing Day Event at 1 p.m. Saturday, October 19, at the Warwick Mall, 400 Bald Hill Road in Warwick, RI. This event is open to people of all ages, backgrounds, and singing abilities.
“After hearing about World Singing Day, we knew we had to be a part of it,” says Chapter President Anne Diggle. “Singing is a driving force in the lives of our chorus members. We recognize the positive effect it has on our lives and well-being. We felt that this was an opportunity to gather with people who also see that singing together can be empowering and uplifting, so it was worth making sure that it happens here. We are proud to be hosting the event and hope that we’ll have a great response to our call for singers!”
Will your chapter or quartet join in on this year's World Singing Day song of the year?
Here's info on how to take part - and how to let the HI Note know all about it!

Class is in session!
Engaging Youth - Part 5 with Tessa Walker - September 25 7:30 pm ET
Posted to the HIVE library:
Hearty, Happy, Healthy
YOU are invited to check out our new classes and/or dive into the reference library. Don't forget it's searchable!

Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time providing a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
Victoria Green
Limitless (MBHA)
Kelly Peterson in celebration of Marcie Miller's birthday
Condolences From The Membership |
- to the family and members of Women in Harmony on the passing of past member Carol Maguire
Need to post a condolence notice? Please have the information sent to the Administrative Coordinator to be recorded. Thank you.
International Conventions & Contests |
The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox September 20. What would you like to see covered in our pages? Drop a line to editor@harmonyinc.org and we'll tell the world. Next deadline is September 13.
See you again, soon!
Copyright © 2024 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.