Life is good
By Linda Brehaut, International President
Can it be that I do not have much to say?!
Seems like the past two weeks have gone by very quickly. My chorus took a break for the month of July, so I am looking forward to getting back on the risers now that we have turned another calendar page. I expect there will be a lot of chatter about AEPs and the dinner on Saturday evening.
Food at convention
To all of you that are saying, “But $57 for dinner?” I might reply with, “You have to eat somewhere, and I expect it will cost you close to $30-$40 for dinner anywhere else. For a few dollars more, you can join the rest of us for dinner where dietary needs will be accommodated, and you will get assigned seating for the Showcase!”
There is one more very practical reason I would ask you to join us for dinner. The food and beverage contract with the hotel is very high – if we do not spend a certain amount of money by purchasing food, we will pay a penalty. We certainly appreciate our members and guests who buy from the kiosk stations during contests, the banquet, and any other Harmony-sponsored opportunities where the purchase of beverages and/or food is offered, Please consider this when purchasing your AEP.
I trust you have carved out some family time, some "me" time, and some special times with friends.
Common song
Have you heard about the great singing opportunity that is being announced? We have a new common song coming your way! Can you just imagine if all 900 attendees at IC&C (or your next AC&C) joined in to sing the same song, the same arrangement, at the same time!
Powerful, for sure. I am ready…
Please check out the article below to get the details.
Let the fun begin!
Chapter Administration: Tax Filings
Last Reminder for US Chapters:
Most Harmony, Inc. chapters operate with a fiscal year of April 1 - March 31. This requires U.S. Chapters to file an electronic postcard 990N with the IRS by August 15. Once you receive proof from the IRS that your filing has been received, send a copy to the VP Finance vpfinance@harmonyinc.org.
The deadline for Canadian Chapters to file a T2 with Revenue Canada is September 30. Please submit your Notice of Assessment to the VP Finance as soon as it is received.
Harmony Sends 9 to BHS Category School |
Harmony judges enjoy lunch at BHS Category School.
Harmony sends 9 to BHS Category School
By Kathy Greason, ICJC
If you’re on social media, you may already know that nine Harmony, Inc. judges attended the triennial Barbershop Harmony Society Category School in New Orleans at the end of July. (FYI, it’s not only the jazz in New Orleans that is hot in July!) Harmony, Inc. follows the same judging practices that BHS and many other organizations around the world follow, so this was an opportunity for extra education in service of our roles as judges, teachers, and coaches for Harmony, Inc.
What you may not know is that some of our judges have chosen (and been chosen) to be certified in both organizations. Category School attendees Linda Muise (ADM), Theresa Weatherbee (PER), and Sandi Wright (PER) were certified as BHS judges in 2019 and were recertified at this school. And – exciting news – Renee Tramack (SNG) was certified as a BHS judge for the first time this year! All four of these women have participated in BHS training and contests in addition to their HI training and contests to achieve this dual certification. Congratulations to them all.
Attending the BHS Category School as Harmony, Inc. guests were Diane Patterson (ADM), Anne Bureau (MUS), Kathy Greason (MUS), Liz LeClair (MUS), and Susan Wood (MUS). As attendees, they were in on the ground floor as BHS Category Specialists described their contest and judging plans going forward.
Specifically, BHS has made some changes to its computer scoring program. While we don’t know whether Harmony, Inc. will adopt the scoring program that BHS uses, any information about how the program operates is of interest to our ADM Judges. BHS is also working on updates to its Music, Performance, and Singing Category Descriptions, as well as to some category-related contest rules. The information that our judges learned at Category School will help us to inform our Board about these changes (not yet final for BHS), and will also help us make appropriate recommendations about whether, when, and how HI might adopt the changes as an organization. On the question of timing, I do want to note that Harmony, Inc. has a practice of maintaining through November the standards under which ensembles qualified in the spring to compete at our International contests. So should changes come about, you can expect to hear about them later rather than sooner…
In closing, I will reiterate that it’s hot down south, but I suppose going to Louisiana for BHS Category School in the summer is no odder than going to New Hampshire for HI Category School in the winter. What are these judges thinking??
Sign Up to Sing With Minor Chords in Grand Rapids |
Minor Chords to sing at Grand Rapids
Sign up NOW to receive learning materials
By Kristin Gunasekera, Youth Programs Coordinator
It is SO exciting! We will be singing together in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in November! All of the AC&Cs are over and choruses and quartets are preparing for IC&C. And that means it’s time to sign up for the Minor Chords.
The Minor Chords is a chorus made up of all youth members who attend the International Convention and Contests in November. This year, all Youth AEPs will be fully funded by money held in trust for youth programs by Harmony, Inc. That means you get to sing with all of the Youth in Harmony for free!
This year the Minor Chords will be directed by Tessa Walker, the Lead for Hot Pursuit, our 2019 Harmony Queens. We will be singing You’ve Got a Friend in Me, arranged by Dan Wessler.
It’s easy to sign up! Go to Minor Chords 2023, fill in the form and submit by SEPTEMBER 15. You will then receive a link to the music and learning tracks. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
As Long As I'm Singing - Harmony Chooses Newest Common Song |
As Long as I’m Singing
Harmony chooses newest common song
By Sara Stone, Director Programs (Music and Education)
We have added a new common song to the Harmony, Inc. repertoire for 2023! It’s a song with an uplifting message arranged by our great friend, Tom Gentry.
We started working on the Common Song program in 2020, to provide the opportunity to join our voices in song, at whatever event we may be attending and where our HI family is in attendance.
We want the music we choose to be uplifting, empowering, fun, and exciting... something ALL of our members would love and enjoy! So far, we have four common songs - Change the World, Rockin’ Robin, It’s the Music That Brings Us Together, and this newest song, As Long As I’m Singing, arranged by Tom Gentry. All costs are being paid by Harmony, Inc., so we can provide this music to our members at no charge.
I know that some of you may already know this song. However, Tom has ensured that his arrangement and the learning tracks created by Anne Bureau match. Since this is a free song being offered to all members, I highly recommend that you request this arrangement and learning tracks at: https://www.harmonyinc.org/common-song-request/.
Chapters should submit ONE request for the entire chapter membership; you may not request more downloads than the number of members on the current chapter roster. (Individual chapter members may not use this form to request individual copies.) Associate and Affiliate members will be able to print and download only ONE copy. Each request will generate a return email providing a link to the tracks and music. The deadline to order is August 31, 2023.
It will be great to embrace this common song and celebrate our friend, Tom Gentry, and his arrangement. I’m excited to learn it and sing it with you at IC&C this year!
Smile for the cameras!
By Shannon Shelton-Muller, IC&C Marketing Manager
A great way to remember your time on the IC&C stage is with your chorus or quartet photo! For choruses, your photo will be taken onstage, following your performance, as it was last year. For quartets, the photo will be part of your contest rotation prior to taking the stage. Whether your photo is taken before or after your performance, being prepared will help keep the contest schedule running smoothly. Here are tips for taking a quick photo that keeps our schedule on track and that will shine like the stars you all are.
•. Plan your poses ahead of time (whether a chorus or a quartet you'll have the opportunity for two or three takes, so make them count).
• Now that you have a plan, make sure everyone can be seen (have someone not in your group take practice shots so you can double-check this).
•. Now that you're sure your poses work...practice, practice, practice your poses before you get to IC&C.
• Smile!
How/When do choruses and quartets pick out their official photo?
A representative from each chorus will have an opportunity to pick out their official photo immediately following the end of the chorus contest, in the Ruby Room at the hotel. The quartets will pick theirs while they are in the photo room.
Photo order forms are on the website: Harmony Inc. 2023
Meet Our Judges: The Admins (Part 1 in a Series)
What is an Administrative Judge (ADM)?
Managing every aspect of the contest is the responsibility of the Administrative category. The ADM has responsibilities to the contestants, the audience members, the judges, the entity sponsoring the contest, the host organization (Area or International), and the International Contest and Judging Committee. The ADM is responsible for ensuring the best possible environment for contestants to perform, for scoring judges to adjudicate the performances, and for the audience to enjoy the performances.
Our Administrative Judges for the 2023 International Convention and Contests are:

Spotlight On: New & Improved IC&C Event Page
Looking for the latest and greatest on our upcoming IC&C in Grand Rapids? Check out the new and easier-to-navigate IC&C Event Page on harmonyinc.org (click here)!
What Do I Do With The Award We Won In 2022?
My Chorus/Quartet received an award at the last IC&C. Where and when shall we return it?
If your chorus or quartet is in possession of one of the following awards, it will need to be returned at IC&C in Grand Rapids, MI. Awards must be returned in their travel cases or bags, be in good condition, and be engraved if this is required.
Return the Award to the hospitality room as soon as you arrive. Awards are required to be returned no later than Thursday, November 9. If your chorus or quartet is not attending IC&C this year, it is still the responsibility of the award holder to make the necessary arrangements to return the award as required.
- The Jerry Dunlop Award
- The G. Ruth Giels Award
- The L.A.B.B.S Trophy
- The MacIntosh Award
- The Tait Trophy
- Skidge Heath Award
- Jeanne O’Conner Championship Chorus Award
- The Accord Award
- The Findlay Plaque
- The Susan C. Trenchard Award (formerly Image of Harmony Award)
- The Audience Entertainment Award
Sandi White International Membership Award (to be returned prior to the Opening Ceremony, Wednesday, Nov. 8)
If you have questions, please contact the Convention Team Assistant at ICCTeamAsst@harmonyinc.org
Harmony needs YOU for a successful convention!
By Anne Leinen, IC&C Volunteer Manager
The Volunteer Sign-Up is ready to go and we need your help at IC&C! Family and friends who attend the convention are welcome to volunteer as well.
Here’s how to use the Signup sheet:
- Click the link below – this will take you to the IC&C signup sheet.
- Click the tab for the event where you want to work. Let’s use Chorus Contest.
- Pick the job you’d like to work - how about Door Monitor? Find the listing for Door Monitor on the left-hand side. Click on the sign up button on the right-hand side and a checkmark will appear.
- Click Save and Continue at the bottom of the screen, and you’ll be asked to submit your name, email address, and affiliation (chapter, associate, affiliate, or other). You may leave an optional comment as well. You do NOT need to create a SignUpGenius account, even if you need to change your job at a later date.
- Click Sign Up Now and you’ll be done. Your name and any comment you made will appear in that slot on the signup sheet, and you’ll receive an email confirmation from SignUpGenius.
- If you’d like to sign up for a different job, click on Back to Sign Up, find the tab with the event you’re interested in working, and sign up for a different job.
- If you’re having trouble signing up, there is a How to Sign Up FAQ on the HI website which walks you through the sign-up process. Or email me and I can help.
Here’s the signup link:
The link is also posted on the Harmony Facebook page and the volunteer section of the Convention Page on the Harmony website.
Have a question or need to change jobs and/or times? Use one of two ways to let me know:
1. Go back to the signup sheet using this link, click on the envelope icon in the top general description area on any of the event signups, and you’ll be able to leave me a message.
2. Email me directly at iccvolunteermanager@harmonyinc.org.
You can book your room online at https://www.experiencegr.com/harmony-inc/
Room rate = $164 + 15% tax
Don't forget online AEP Registration is open! Early bird pricing is available until September 1 and the online deadline is November 3! You may still purchase AEPs and tickets at the door after this date.
Mark August 27, 2023, on your calendars for our Know Before You Go Call!
We will be hosting a Zoom call at 4 p.m. ET to help you get all the information you need before you go to IC&C. So we can be sure to have all the information you need, please submit any questions to Convention Manager Allison Thompson by August 20, 2023.
Contest late entry forms are accepted until September 1 with a $5 per performer late fee. Click here for chorus or here for quartet.
We are now accepting Big Screen Ads! It’s a great way to show support for your favorite chorus, quartet, coach, etc. Go here: IC&C Big Screen Ad
• Deadline is October 1.
• Harmony, Inc. member, quartet, or chapter = $35
• Non-Harmony, Inc. barbershop member = $100
• Not affiliated with any barbershop organization (outside provider) = $150
Can't make it to Grand Rapids for IC&C? Don't miss a note! Acaville has extended their partnership with Harmony, Inc. and you can get in on all the fun in Michigan. Membership Levels – Harmony, Inc on Acaville

Say, 'Hello,' to two new quartets!
By Donna Gronemeyer, Co-HI Quartet Development Coordinator
It is wonderful to have so many new HI quartets formed during the 2023 year! If you are a new quartet you should have received a personal e-mail invitation last month asking you to tell us a little bit more about your foursome. If you have forgotten to do so and would still like to be featured in one of our upcoming HI Notes, please reply to that invitation.
Today I am excited to share a few back-stories from two of our newer quartets, Here and Now and SparX.
Here and Now
Christmas performances spark new quartet

We are four good friends from Rochester Rhapsody who had so much fun singing together as a pickup quartet during the chorus Christmas performances that we thought it would be great to continue as a registered quartet. We said to each other, "Why not? We’re Here, Now!" The name stuck.
Three of us have previous quartet experience: Baritone Kathy Dickson, Lead Lisa Twitchell, and Tenor Dene Day. We are so happy to initiate Bass Heather Clarke into the joys of quartetting.
We have been working hard on our music and sang at Rhapsody’s June Road Show. We will be singing out more and we look forward to being coached by Rochester Rhapsody Director Sue Melvin. We are also excited to have coaching in August with Jordan Travis.
Currently, we looking for music that we all love to sing. This can be one of the hardest jobs when singing in a quartet, but also it can be fun!
We hope to be able to compete at Area 3 in May of 2024.
If you are thinking of quartetting…. GO FOR IT! It is so much fun and you become even better singers!
Sweet Adelines quartet starts second act with Harmony

SparX was first formed in 2002 as a Sweet Adelines International quartet. We won our regional contest our first time out, then continued to compete at regionals and International until 2011. We had reached the Top 10 Internationally at SAI, created a CD called, SparX ‘r Flying, and performed around our region. Eventually, we decided to disband due to family responsibilities.
When we came together again in Vocal Moxie, a new Harmony, Inc. chapter, and there was a need for an ensemble quartet, we decided to give it another try, (with a new tenor)… and here we are again!
Two of our quartet members are retired and two are still juggling work schedules and singing commitments. New Tenor Cristy is an LPN and still working, Lead DayleAnn is a retired office manager, Bari Kathy is retired from real estate, and Bass Andi was a retired RN, but has recently come out of retirement!
Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time providing a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
Condolences From The Membership |
- to Robin Cabico (Harmony Magic, Area 4) on the tragic death of her husband, Rick Wentzel, in a car accident caused by a drunk driver. Robin was also seriously injured in the crash but is expected to fully recover.
- Loreen Martin (Nickel City Sound, Area 5) on the loss of her mother, Leah Way. Mrs. Way enjoyed many performances of NCS and was a true supporter.
Need to post a condolence notice? Please have the information sent to the Corporate Office to be recorded. Thank you.
15 AUGUST - U.S. Chapters file 990-N with IRS,
16 AUGUST - IBOD Q3 meeting, 6-10 pm ET, via Zoom.
31 AUGUST - Deadline to request music and learning tracks for new common song As Long As I'm Singing
1 SEPTEMBER - End of late entries for IC&C. End of early bird AEP pricing for IC&C.
15 SEPTEMBER - Deadline to submit Minor Chords 2023 form to sing with Minor Chords at IC&C
30 SEPTEMBER - Canadian Chapters file T2 with Revenue Canada.
1 OCTOBER - Big Screen Ads cutoff
3 NOVEMBER - End of Online IC&C registration. Tickets may still be purchased at the door.
5-8 NOVEMBER - IBOD Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan
8-11 NOVEMBER - IC&C, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Future International Conventions & Contests |
The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox August 20. What would YOU like to read about in that issue? Share your thoughts with editor@harmonyinc.org by August 13.
See you in a couple weeks!
Copyright © 2023 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.