IBOD discusses many topics
Input from membership drives ideas
By Gaye LaCasce, International President
Here's a "teaser" for you all... within the next few weeks, the minutes of the mid-year IBOD meeting will be published for you to read. Some of the important topics we covered included the following (and much more!):
- A report and recommendations from a task group focused on equity between Canadian and US members, related to IC&C venues and Category Training School, as well as research about Canadian incorporation
- The success and future of the Musical Leadership Mentor program
- Progress from the Quartet Focus Group and subsequent task group activities
- Changes to eligibility for dual membership in choruses heading to IC&C
- Updates about the new Governance and Nominations pilot program
- Assignments relative to the future of our Expansion Area
- Branding resources from the Marketing and Communications Team
- Our collaboration with MBHA at IC&C
- Philanthropy plans for the next year, as well as the distribution of the final Directors First scholarships
- New tool to evaluate potential strategic initiatives
- IC&C planning, including a new look for Opening Ceremonies
- Opportunities to move forward with the work of the Equity and Diversity Committee
This is an intentionally vague list of some of our agenda items; I’m hoping to entice you all to read about the deep discussions that informed the IBOD’s work. We reviewed the membership survey prior to our meeting, and your priorities were in the forefront of our minds as we worked. If reading meeting minutes isn’t your thing, that’s ok – we’ll be highlighting some of these topics in upcoming HI Notes.
I share all of this for a couple reasons – first, the people you elect to serve as your representatives on the IBOD take this work very seriously and are committed to the future of Harmony. Second, just as in the rest of life, you can make a difference by becoming involved, by volunteering, and by simply caring!
Here’s to a very bright future, as well as to the past successes that have created this organization we love.
Area Conventions Round Up |
This week we are blessed with reports from TWO Area conventions: Area 3 and Area 5. Read on to find out who excelled and what crazy shenanigans transpired...
Lights Out, Fun In!
Area 3 Lights up the Field at "Stadium Nights"
By Anita Prather Harvell, Area 3 PR Coordinator
We’re giving you the play-by-play of the hottest barbershop event around – Stadium Nights! The energy was electric as Area 3 convention-goers spent the weekend laughing, socializing and filling the air with barbershop harmonies. We saw some fantastic performances that'll leave you humming tunes in the shower for weeks. But at Area 3 AC&C, it was all about camaraderie and celebrating a shared love of barbershop.
Friday: Quartet Contest
AREA 3 CHAMPS - Roulette, representing Northern Blend Chorus took home the Aspire Award as Area 3 quartet champions. |
Friday’s events kicked off with a bang, starting with a rehearsal of the Area 3 Quarus, under the direction of International President Gaye LaCasce. After huddling for the contestants' briefing, the mic testers and 19 quartets took the stage in the quartet contest, including two from the Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association.
After the contestant performances, including Go the Distance by Area 3 Quarus, the crowd eagerly awaited the results of the contest. In the end, it was Roulette, representing Northern Blend, from Watertown, New York, who took home the Aspire Award as Area 3 Quartet Champions. There were six quartets who punched their ticket and qualified for IC&C in Louisville – ZEST, Sassafras, BACKSTAGE PASS, Legacy, Vivàce, and Roulette.
Saturday: Chorus Contest
The crowd was buzzing with anticipation for Saturday’s chorus contest, with nine choruses delivering exciting performances. They delivered powerful uptunes and poignant ballads, and while the crowd eagerly anticipated the judges’ decisions, we were treated to performances by the Area 3 Family Chorus and the Area 3 Chorus. The chorus contest awards were presented and Northern Blend was announced as the Area 3 Chorus Champions. Joining them in qualifying for Louisville were Bella Nova, Liberty Belles Chorus, Rochester Rhapsody, and Crystal Chords.
AREA 3 CHAMPS - Northern Blend from Watertown, N.Y. placed first in the Saturday chorus contest. |
Some Stadium Nights stats:
- Bella Nova swept the chorus awards by winning the Peg Duclos Award (highest scoring chorus with 30 or fewer chapter members), Jean Linn Award (most-improved based on score from the previous contest - increasing 83 points), Most Improved Award (based on rank from the previous contest, and Rising Star (most improved based on performance score).
- MBHA Mixed Quartet Trophy was awarded to Arranged Marriage quartet
- Novice Quartet Award was presented to Sassafras
- Cygnet Award (most improved quartet based on score from previous contest) was presented to the 2023 Novice Quartet, Legacy
Stadium Night rocks
Area 3 Director Sarah Thorne-Miller presents the Area 3 Service Award to Area 3 PR Coordinator & Website Manager Anita Prather Harvell.
The stadium was rocking as the afterglow, hosted by the Liberty Belles, kicked into high gear. Athletes, referees, food vendors (and some stadium treats, as well), and many more, danced to popular arena anthems, dined on tasty stadium fare, and were treated to performances by choruses, quartets, and even the judges. It wouldn’t be a stadium event without special announcements as we provided service certificates to members celebrating milestones, recognized the Crystal Chords on their 30th Anniversary in Harmony, Inc., and presented the Susan C. Trenchard Memorial Scholarship to SUNY Potsdam student Drew Autote, son of Northern Blend chorus member Lorie Autote.
At the end of the evening, Area 3 Director Sarah Thorne-Miller took to the stage to present the Area 3 Service Award to Area 3 PR Coordinator and Website Manager Anita Prather Harvell. In addition to her service to the area, Anita is an assistant to the Harmony, Inc. International Board of Directors and serves on the board of directors of several non-profit arts organizations.
We turned out the lights on the stadium with a presentation by the 2025 host chapter, Niagara Frontier Chord Authority, announcing next year’s theme. Before the attendees left for home, they attended a wide variety of education classes taught by our fantastic judges, attended an EDC roundtable, and tried out quartetting.
And that’s a wrap on Stadium Nights! From first-timers getting their first taste of the spotlight to rekindled friendships, it was a great contest weekend where everyone was a winner. See you in Louisville!
And now, let's check in on Area 5...
That's a wrap!
Area 5 screens a blockbuster
By Wendy Collinson, Area 5 PR Coordinator
“I have had so much fun this year; I cannot wait until next year!"
Many expressed this sentiment as singing and laughter rang through the halls at the Area 5 Contest and Convention, held in Richmond Hill, Ontario May 24-26. The theme this year was A Night at the Movies. Each chorus chose a movie, dressed like the characters, and decorated their table with centrepieces for the Moonglow. There was a wide array of movies represented, from Disney (The Lion King, Toy Story, Hercules, 101 Dalmatians) to Harry Potter, Barbie, Grease, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, and The Great Gatsby. Even 50 Shades of Gray!
Friday: Quartet Contest
Continental Crush delightedly accepts the Val Mullin Memorial Award as Area Champions for the second year in a row.
The quartet contest on Friday saw 12 quartets cross the stage. Nothing could stop these folks from performing their best. Not even construction noise from below! Four quartets qualified for IC&C in Louisville – Crosswinds, Onyx, Sapphire, and Continental Crush, who took home the Val Mullin Memorial Award as Area Champions for the second year in a row. The MBHA trophy went to Prime Time. Other award winners included Moving Parts, who won the Kathleen Racicot Award of Encouragement as the highest-scoring non-qualifying quartet, Buena Vida, who won the Novice Quartet Award, and Crosswinds, who won the Louise Malison Memorial Award as the most improved quartet.
Saturday: Chorus Contest - surprise winner!
Saturday's chorus contest saw a historic first. Congratulations to the Shades of Harmony from London, Ontario, who won their very first Joyce Bradley Memorial Award as Area 5 champions! There were tears all around as they were announced as the champions for the first time in their 51-year history. Shades of Harmony will join the Capital Chordettes, Nickel City Sound, The Thousand Islanders, and Scarborough Harmony Chorus at IC&C in November. Nickel City Sound earned the Bonnie Barber Memorial Award for top Singing scores, the Louise Malison Award for highest Presentation score was awarded to The Thousand Islanders, the Sugartones took home the Small Chorus Award, and the Most Improved Chorus went to the Toronto Accolades. The Toronto Accolades also won the Audrey Borsos Memorial Award as the highest-scoring non-qualifying chorus.
AREA 5 CHAMPS - The Shades of Harmony accept the first championship trophy they've won in 51 years. |
Finally, it was time for a Night at the Movies! Singing, dancing, laughing, and a lot of popcorn. What more could one ask?
Sunday morning, our wonderful educators expanded our appreciation of the barbershop craft with a selection of education classes. There is always something to learn about this art form, and we appreciate the time our judges and educators put into helping us along our path.
Another successful AC&C is in the books. A huge thanks goes out to Area Director Sandy McCreary and our Convention Team members Gidget Kaert, Debbie Gay, Beth Bendo, Patricia Cassidy, and Susanne Hasulo.
We can’t wait for next year when we head to the islands of Hawaii. Aloha!
Click to view all convention scoresheets.
International Convention News |
Get close to the action
Join the convention team
By Shannon Shelton-Muller, ICC Marketing Assistant
See the action from the inside out by being part of the Convention Team! We're looking to fill the following roles:
- IC&C Business Services Manager - updates and distributes contracts to vendors for IC&C Harmony Mall as well as solicits IC&C big screen ads from those companies with whom Harmony, Inc. does business, as well as the general membership. If space is available, also informs chapters that they may sell merchandise in the IC&C Hospitality Room.
- IC&C Convention Team Assistant - works closely with the Convention Manager to project manage all things related to IC&C to ensure we stay on task for everything leading up to the event. This includes being the liaison within the IC&C team as well as with other teams in the organization (Corporate, AHQ, Education etc.) and third-party vendors. This assistant will also support some of the more admin specific tasks such as monthly call notes, hotel rooming lists, fair share assessment charges, and other tasks as needed.
Interested in these positions? Contact Allison Thompson for more information.
Judging Panel for IC&C 2024 is set
Our 2024 panel of judges is set for an exciting 2024 contest. The panel this year is as follows:
Admin: Sue Novosad (PC) and Steve Tremper
Musicality: Rob Campbell, Jay Dougherty, and Adele Merritt
Performance: Joe Hunter, Gene Spilker, and Fatima Whelan
Singing: Rob Mance, David Mills, and Nate Ogg
Keep an eye out for more information on your judges in upcoming issues of this newsletter.
Looking for more information on all things IC&C?
Many questions about IC&C, including hotel room costs, agenda, forms, etc., can be answered by checking out the FAQ sheet available on our website. Simply visit ICC FAQ for all the details! The FAQ sheet is updated throughout the contest season with everything you need to know!
Class is in session!
YOU are invited to check out our new classes and/or dive into the reference library
By Wendy Spilker, Education Coordinator
Hello everyone! I am very excited to announce the HIVE is back in action! We have many great instructors lined up with a lot of new faces and topics. Expect at least two classes every month from barbershop greats like Tessa Walker, Mo Field, Kim Wonders, Jennifer Cooke, and more, each filled with essential, new, and relevant subjects to help us all better navigate our goals and development.
For your reference, our HIVE library is loaded with many great classes with top-notch instructors, covering a wide range of topics already. For your convenience, you can now find your favorite class by:
- class title
- instructor name, or
- keywords.
You can use keywords for broader and more specific searches. A keyword of “music” will bring up any class pertaining to that subject. Typing in “music theory” will limit the list to just those classes, so your search can now be as specific or broad as you need it to be, to find whatever you’re looking for.
As we all prefer in-person rehearsals and workshops and celebrate their return, virtual assembly may seem less relevant. However, HIVE has a unique opportunity to go beyond the physical and financial limitations of costly, travel-based, in-person instruction. By bringing topics and instructors virtually, we are able to expand our education resources to include mentors otherwise not available to us, and better yet, in the comfort of your own home, on your own time, or perhaps, as some collective education planning for your chorus or quartet.
Your Education Coordinator needs to hear from you! As HIVE is fitted to our educational needs moving forward, it is imperative to know what those needs are. There are many topics already lined up but your input is crucial to future content selections. Send your suggestions and needs to: educationcoord@harmonyinc.org to be included in future considerations.
I am also excited about the excellence lining up for this year’s IC&C classes. We are so privileged to have many knowledgeable instructors volunteering their time and excellence so freely and I know you’ll love what they have in store for you this November.
I want to thank Anne Colt for her years of service to Harmony, both in-person and virtually. By creating HIVE, she kept Harmony connected through COVID-19. Her willingness and dedication enabled all of us to continue coming together through an unimaginable time of isolation. I am honored to serve Harmony, Inc. as the new Education Coordinator and continue the high bar and solid foundation Anne created. I look forward to our continued learning and am thrilled to be a part of our organization’s progress!

Anchoring the New Member
The guidebook tells you how
By Taralee Lashway, Director of Membership
Last month, we took a deeper look into the FIND YOUR VOICE guide and learned how to help your guest gain membership into Harmony, Inc. Now that they are part of the family, let’s help them become comfortable and assimilate into the Chapter.
Immediate recognition that they are a New Chapter Member is key to making them feel accepted. Make sure that they have everything they need by creating a New Member Kit. This kit will vary with each Chapter but should contain:
- Copy of the Chapter Bylaws
- Chapter standing rules
- roster
- financial obligations
- access to current and past music
- costume info, etc.
The FIND YOUR VOICE guide outlines everything you will need to provide to your new members so that they are informed and ready to grow with your Chapter. IT’S ALL IN THERE!
FIND YOUR VOICE is a fantastic resource that is available to every member from our awesome website! It has recently been revamped and energized so that it is user-friendly, energizing, and helpful.
We will continue to spotlight various sections in upcoming HI Notes to help you become more familiar with this resource. FIND YOUR VOICE can help you not only to grow your Chapter, but also to make your Chapter more robust. To see what all the excitement is about, log on and click FIND YOUR VOICE. Get the message?
By Anne Bureau, Director Marketing and Communications
The International Marketing and Communications Team is in search of a passionate team member to manage our Harmony, Inc. website. The website is Harmony, Inc.'s face and information center to both the outside world and the inside world.
If you have an interest in serving our organization and keeping our website current, vibrant, appealing, and compelling, please reach out to me - I will be happy to answer any questions!
By Taralee Lashway – Director of Membership
Volunteering to serve as an Assistant to the Board is not only a wonderful way to give back to Harmony, Inc., but also a hugely needed key to keeping our organization growing and thriving. The Membership Team welcomes Sandra Morris to the role of Associate Coordinator. Sandra will be taking the baton from Tessa Walker who will now be serving as the Youth Coordinator. These two wonderful humans will be great additions to these roles, and we are delighted that they are sharing their time and talents in these roles.
Sandra is also the Music Coordinator and will be continuing to hold this role until the end of this year. We also thank Kristin Gunasekera for her time and efforts over the past few years as the Youth Coordinator. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors.
If you would like an opportunity to serve as an Assistant to the Board in the future or be a volunteer in any capacity, we are always grateful to have you! Please contact our Volunteer Resource Coordinator.
Your donations to the For Love of Harmony program enable you to identify individuals or groups to receive special recognition, while at the same time providing a monetary gift to Harmony, Inc.
Toronto Accolades in memory of Valerie Clowes
A Cappella Showcase in memory of Bertha Morton
Condolences From The Membership |
- to the family and friends of Valerie Clowes, former member and mentor to the Toronto Accolades.
- to Carol Hollenbeck (Barre-Tones, Inc., Area 2) on the recent passing of her mother, Barbara Cox-Niquette
- to Bonnie Morton (A Cappella Showcase & The Over Tones, Inc., Area 5) on the passing of her mother-in-law, Bertha Morton.
Need to post a condolence notice? Please have the information sent to the Corporate Office Assistant to be recorded. Thank you.

Elections for four (4) International Board Directors are now underway. The vote is being conducted electronically using SurveyMonkey, an online voting tool approved by the International Board of Directors.
You should have received an email on June 1 from the Corporate Office with your ballot. Please check your Spam, Trash, Junk and Promotions folders, or search for an email from SurveyMonkey before you contact the International Parliamentarian (parliament@harmonyinc.org) if you have not received the email.
4 JUNE, 7:30 p.m. ET - HIVE class - Musician's Vision, Instructor: Mo Field
26 JUNE, 7:30 p.m. ET - HIVE class - Engaging Youth Part 2, Instructor: Tessa Rae Walker
JULY - ICC Hotel Room details available
11 JULY, 7:30 p.m. ET - HIVE class - Rehearsal Techniques for Different Learning Styles, Instructor: Jennifer Cooke
17 JULY, 7:30 p.m. ET - HIVE Class - Rehearsal Techniques, Instructor: Kim Wonders
24 JULY, 7:30 p.m. ET - HIVE Class - Engaging Youth Part 3, Instructor: Tessa Rae Walker
14 AUGUST, 7:30 p.m. ET - HIVE Class - Hearty, Happy, Healthy, Instructor: Kim Wonders
15 AUGUST - US Chapters are required to file an electronic 990-N with the IRS
28 AUGUST, 7:30 p.m. ET - HIVE Class - Engaging Youth Part 4, Instructor: Tessa Rae Walker
15 SEPTEMBER - Canadian Chapters are required to file a T2 with CRA
25 SEPTEMBER, 7:30 p.m. ET - HIVE Class - Engaging Youth Part 5, Instructor: Tessa Rae Walker
1 OCTOBER - ICC Hotel Room Reservation Deadline
2024 Area Conventions & Contests |

All entry deadlines have now passed.
International Conventions & Contests |
The next issue of the HI Note comes to your inbox June 20. What would you like to see covered in our pages? Drop a line to editor@harmonyinc.org and we'll tell the world. Next deadline is June 13.
See you again, soon!
Copyright © 2024 Harmony, Inc., All rights reserved.